Hey, how come no singles in here? Suppose we open up a bar in here? Would you come to a singles bar? Hmmmm????
by Frenchy 8 Replies latest social relationships
Build "Club Dub" and they will come!
By the way, try CajunZydeco.Net if you are inclined to do any dancing in front of the mirror until the "Club" opens.
I'll check that out. I have a deep dark secret I must reveal to you in the strictest of confidence: -I really don't like zydeco music-. Keep it to yourself, will you? A cajun that doesn't like cajun music.(sigh) You can see why I would not want that to get around!
To Mr. Displaced Swamp Man: They say the last thing to go is your taste for the food, so I guess there's still hope for you. ;)
Well that's someencouragement at least!
Why do I keep wandering in here!?!
(wishful thinking, I suppose!)
Edited by - Frenchy on 4 June 2000 19:4:30
Wishful thinking for what?
Hey, I'm French, what else would I want???
-Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-
The Bethelite
Thanks for checking in....see you in another 19 years