I thought this was a good description...

by taoInitiate 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • taoInitiate

    The world is full of half-enlightened masters.
    Overly clever,
    too "sensitive" to live in the real world,
    they surround themselves with selfish pleasures,
    and bestow their grandiose teachings upon the unwary.
    Prematurely publicizing themselves,
    intent upon reaching some spiritual climax,
    they constantly sacrifice the truth,
    and deviate from the Way.
    - Hua Hu Ching

    I thought this was an amazingly apt summary of an Org we all know. But I think, as it says, there is no shortage of this type of person (or group) in our world. It's obviously been like this for 1000's of years, since this was written and before.


    Just thinkin' out loud...

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Hi Tao

    Yes I agree...words well spoken!!


  • Introspection

    Actually, I kind of doubt they can even be said to be half-enlightened. Sorry, I guess as far as I'm concerned they don't even measure up to this.

  • taoInitiate

    So, what do you think is worse:

    1) The fact that they are half (or non) enlightened.
    2) That they don't live in the real world.
    3) That they surround themselves with selfish pleasures.
    4) Bestowing their teachings on the unwary.
    5) That they constantly sacrifice the truth.

    I think they're all pretty dubious. But number 5 has to be the worst, closely followed by 3, then 4, then 2 and 1 last.

    I think 2 and 1 don't matter as long as a "teacher" keeps quiet about their asinine views...who cares how out of touch or unenlightened someone is, as long as they don't push it on others.


    Just thinkin' out loud...

  • Introspection

    Well aside from the first point, I think you have to actually have a clue about the truth and was somewhere near the Way to begin with to deviate from it. They may know they're wrong on a few points but I sincerely doubt they have a clue in the final analysis. So it seems to me it just doesn't really apply..

    BTW, back in the day before there's internet as we know it there was a guy who used an acronym of T.A.O. - The Ancient One as his alias. Thought you might like that.

  • taoInitiate

    It's true Intro...it doesn't really apply. After all the original text of this says Tao instead of Way, but that's what Tao means anyway...

    T.A.O. the Ancient One, hmmm...don't know him.

    BTW, that wink doesn't mean I'm him or anything...hehe...just a pun on not knowing the ancient one...oh, why do I always have to explain my jokes...hehe.


    Just thinkin' out loud...

  • Solace

    Thats the Org. in a nutshell.
    My selection of order would have to be,

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