How hard is it to get through to you?

by noidea 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • noidea

    Have you ever tried to tell someone something and they just don't get it. It could be about your feelings towards the Org. or maybe how you feel about them or a situation.

    Yep, in one ear and out the other. Maybe you were being too kind..or trying to spare their feelings. Maybe you just don't know how to say it.

    So when it comes down to it... just what did or does it take to get through to you? Me, I'm pretty much in my own world so it takes allot.. ..But, I think I'm starting to get it now.

    So any suggestions to help get a point across to those who can't see the signs in front of them? Better yet any stories to tell?

  • Carmel

    Most people operate on the level of emotion, not intellect, so story telling or personal experiance usually is more profound than logical argument. I find for those who have had a cathartic experiance, asking questions has far more effect on them than pontification.


  • Tinkerbell4125

    Girl, ease up on the tecilla!!!! =;o) just kidding!!!

    who's not listening to you?????? tell us!
    i think i know who you are referring to! hubby????? Tink =;o)

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I'm sorry, what was that?

  • noidea

    Hey Tink,

    Tell you what on my next visit you buy me some tequilla and I might tell you my story...

  • Disposable Hero
    Disposable Hero

    For some people, no matter what you do they will not get it. I had shown a witness once how the society has said they are prophets and with the information the witness agreed the society has said they are prophets. Then I showed this witness a handful of the false prohecies, I used 1914,1925 and 1975. So the society has mentioned they are prophets, but by looking at these prophecies that they made, all prophecies are false. I asked what does the Bible say about false prophets. The witness then took out the knowledge book
    and told me that to understand the deeper things of the Bible we need guidance and with the knowledge book it gives us guidance about such things. I then said the Bible does not give any excuses for being a false prophet. If you make a prophecy(which the WTS has done countless times) and it is false; what do you get? A witness that will say the WTS is not a false prophet.

    Kind of like telling an alcoholic that boozing is bad, think he will listen?

    You lie so much you believe yourself
    Judge not lest ye be judged yourself

  • Solace

    I didnt realize the truth about the Org. untill I saw cold hard facts. Like how they altered the bible to support their teachings.
    My mind was then open and the rest is history.

  • D8TA

    Ever know a someone, or someone with children who were living with an abusive mate? That mate would beat, slander, and abuse their family? And it was "well known" with other people that this Mate procured this treatment upon the family?

    Ever see these people trying to tell the VICTIMS of this relationship to leave...and with the overwhelming evidence of abuse....they dont? They make excuses(due to the verbal/physical submission), for the abusive mate, even to death? Even the children?

    Now, put the reasoning of; The Taliban, Jim Jones, Jehovah Witnesses, Moonies etc etc. in to the fray. They get to do what they
    want because they are "spirited directed" or..."use the name of God"...or ..."God's channel of communication to all the earth". Hey, what can stop you then? Woohoo! You got "GOD" on your side!
    Sure...some are pacifist. They wont put poison in Kool-Aid. Or subject their women to wear burkahs (but enforce no beards, piercings etc.).
    They wont do any "violent" action to anyone. Just make them submit to their interpretation thru their literature.

    I asked my Mom (a JW) today:
    "If I started to go back to the meetings, would the elders tell me to shave my goatee and tell me to remove my tongue piercing?"

    She said, "Oh no, it's your choice if you want to have those things".

    Is it really? You mean, I can be myself and they wont say a thing? Just smile? I get to go out in service too? How about running the mics up an down the aisle, swirling my little tongue gauge?

    Denial, another powerfull tool exploited by Abusers.


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