by Glander 7 Replies latest jw friends
It's basically white suicide, anyway. It started w the victorians.
Love you Gman but why this?
Love you Gman but why this?
My thread topic was " Who's a racist?" Don't know how it got dropped.
With white conservatives being drummed into the liberal brain as racists, I thought it might provide a little balance.
Berengaria has posted a confirmation.
I really don't think folks here believe only whites can be racist, I certainly don't. Humans tend to categorize, sometimes for good and unfortunately many times for bad.
hemp lover
Thank you, beks, for providing the link that was missing from the OP.
Thank you, Glander, for posting quotes from a 1990 California election for Prop 187. Relevance FTW!
I have experienced racism. I was physically assaulted for being 'white' in a 'black' neighbourhood - twice. BUT
It's important to realize that systemic racism is REAL. People who are born in 'the projects', and have been treated as 'less than' ,, just because they are a different colour, hold a LOT of anger, and for good reason.
As poor 'white' people, we have no concept of the reality of being black in a white society .. it's a difficult issue, for sure!
I don't excuse the people who assaulted me, but I *do* understand their rage, as much as it is possible for someone who is NOT identified as a person of colour.