I was trying to make up my mind what I was going to do this past afternoon when I remembered seeing the preview for Flight yesterday while getting some lunch in a sports bar. So I figured I'd check the reviews out first and they seemed generally favorable. An alchoholic flight captain played by Denzel Washington, sounds good to me. You ever plan to do something like go out, but then laziness and comfortability sets in? I almost stayed home until I read the MSNBC review. It was almost like a premonition saying, "Yes you lame, go out!!! See the movie!" Here's what made me get dressed and walk out the door.
"This breath-shortening sequence is eye-poppingly realistic, with cutting Eisenstein would have admired, right down to the exquisite details of Jehovah's witnesses scrambling to get out of the way on the ground as the plane's wing clips the steeple of their rural church. Miraculously, the plane lands more or less intact, although six people die. For his part, Whip is hospitalized with minor injuries. His daring and ingenuity having saved most of the passengers from certain death, he becomes an immediate national hero."
With that, I was sold!! I was disappointed however to see that it wasn't Jehovah's Witnesses in the scene briefly described above. It was some random church with people that I'm assuming were Southern Baptists, Evangelicals, etc.? Definately, NOT Jehovah's Witnesses! I should have known even before seeing the scene for myself since the reviewer mentioned a steeple. Since when do Kingdom Halls have steeples? For a nonJW to call a KH a church, I can understand that, but how they confused Evangelicals with Jehovah's Witnesses is beyond me. Now I don't want to throw any spoilers out there for anyone planning on seeing this film, but there is a brief dialogue with Washington's character and an actress holding a big Bible and he quips something about her having "been to her meeting." There's no way to tell if she'd been to a church, a JW meeting in a KH, or what. Plus I'm sure people of other denominations might have similar lingo depending on the circumstances.
This has me wondering, is this a positive for the WT? "Like hey we're confused with Evangelicals, so we can keep on doing the crap we've been doin!!" I don't know, regardless, good film, I recommend it.