On the News this morning was the almost unbelievable news that a Pakistani husband and wife killed their daughter for 'looking at a boy'. Her manner of being killed is even more shocking as the parents poured acid on this girl.
There were 943 'Honor Killings' reported in Pakistan this year with only 20 of the women being given any medical care before they died.
Looking at the opposite sex. One of the most natural responses we have as humans is construed as 'sin' and with it all of the religious and social prejudices that can and do lead to tragedy.
Some day these cultures, bound by religious myths and superstitions, will change with education and understanding but it seems a long way off, to distant to have saved this young girl.
As the father of a daughter who I would protect at all costs this just leaves me shaken and I wonder how to reach those young people so they don't grow up to be like their parents.