by MadApostate 6 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • MadApostate

    March 22, 2002

    Calgary Jehovah teen who doesn't want transfusions seeks move to Ontario

    CALGARY (CP) -- A teenage girl who has been ordered to receive blood transfusions against her will wants to leave Alberta.

    Lawyers for the 16-year-old Jehovah's Witness want a transfer order allowing her to seek treatment for leukemia in Ontario or the United States.

    But the girl's father, who believes the blood transfusions can save her life, is worried the challenge is just a way to move her to a jurisdiction where she can refuse treatment.

    "The father does not want a transfer," Robert Calvert, lawyer for the girl's father, said outside court Friday. "He thinks the care here is very, very good and the move would be traumatic."

    He said Ontario law allows patients at age 16 to make decisions about their care and her father is worried she will exercise that right.

    "She may withdraw the consent and that would be a death sentence for her," he added.

    Calvert said he suspects the treatment being contemplated in Ontario is simply palliative care to help her through her final days.

    The lawyer representing the girl and her mother rejects that, saying she simply wants treatment in line with her religious beliefs.

    "She wants to move; she wants to live," David Gnam told the court. "This is not a death wish."

    Last month, an Alberta judge made the teen a temporary ward of the province after determining she did not have the capacity to make that decision.

    On Friday, Justice Adele Kent of Court of Queen's Bench moved up an appeal of that case from April 25 to April 4. The judge gave the girl's lawyers until Monday to provide detailed information on treatment she would get elsewhere.

    Children's Services officials must decide by next Thursday whether to challenge the motion to move the teen.

    Doctors say the best available treatment for the girl's potentially fatal disease is chemotherapy followed by blood transfusions. She has received 12 transfusions in the last month at the Alberta Children's Hospital.

    The girl is to begin another bout of chemotherapy next week.

    Gnam says the treatment is much the same as what doctors in Calgary are doing, but without blood transfusions.

    "The doctor has told me of six Jehovah's Witness patients he's treated with this method," said Gnam, whose law firm in Georgetown, Ont., works primarily for the religious sect.

    "Of the six, five survived and one died, but not because he or she was a Jehovah's Witness, but because of other complications of the disease."

    Gnam filed an affidavit saying the girl no longer wants to remain at the Children's Hospital. In court, he said she has been strapped down, sedated for transfusions and kept "in solitary confinement" away from her mother.

    The lawyer for the girl's father rejects the allegations.

    "Because of the disruptions that the mother was causing during the transfusions and the chemotherapy, they've asked that she not come in during those treatments because it was causing the child harm," said Calvert.

  • Scully

    This is a heads-up for folks in the Toronto and Ottawa area. If she is allowed to transfer to Ontario, the most likely places of treatment are Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children or to Ottawa's Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario.

    Thanks MA. I'll be watching for more news about this.

    Love, Scully

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    If Canada won't extridite prisoners to other countries that have the death penalty, (just in case they are found guilty) how can they transfer a sick young girl to a province that would allow a possible death sentence?

    Thinking Canadians UNITE!

  • Kismet

    Canada's Hospital Liaison Committees have done their homework on this one and the girl's father is bang on in his concerns for the move.

    Sick Kids in Toronto has been fairly positive towards the Witnesses. Closeness to Bethel also has something to do with it..Much easier to monitor when close.

    The Branch had discussed this strategy previously in other cases but the child has often died before they could act on it.

    The father should be diligent to demand that treatment elsewhere is far superior to what she is receiving currently. Even treatment on par is unacceptable since it would remove the girl from all support of friends in her local community which can easily be argued that would be detrimental to her well being and recovery.

    The Father should work closely with Children's Services in Alberta ...jointly they should be able to convince the courts of the wisdom of staying in Alberta.

    My 2 cents


  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    To all:

    Does anyone here have contact information for the father’s lawyer, Robert Calvert? I have information that is probably critical for his case, and would also provide very strong moral ammunition for the father.


    The two of us need to communicate. Please contact me with the email address. It is urgent. So I can make sure it’s you, please provide the page an illustration of you is published. I know about your heroism and the brief account of it from a mutual Friend.

  • MadApostate


  • Simon

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