The Watchtower's "N" word.

by Lee Elder 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lee Elder
    Lee Elder

    There is no word in Watchtower Speak (theocratise) that carries more emotional charge than “Apostate”. To be labeled an apostate is the lowest low – worst than pond scum. In JW thinking, there is more hope for a pedophile or a murderer than for an apostate. The word is probably analogous to the use of the “N” word.

    It is hard, perhaps impossible, for those not directly affected to appreciate the kind of pain inflicted by the use of these hateful expressions. When reading a thread from this site:

    it dawned on me that some in ex-JW community are dealing with “A” word in a manner similar to that being used by some blacks to deal with the “N” word. We joke about “apostafests” and even take pride in the term. By doing so, we are probably trying to take the energy or power out of the word.

    On the other hand, when we consider the shameful manner in which the Watchtower Corporation (the Borg) has behaved towards its members – especially the children – it feels good to be able to say, “I quit – I cannot and will not support that. I abandon the cause – I’m an apostate or at least a Watchtower apostate.”


  • DanTheMan

    So true, so true...It is shameless how vitriolic the WT is towards those who go against their dogma - it took me years to see how arrogant and Pharasaical the WTBTS is...

  • happy man
    happy man

    Who is Lee Elder?

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    What ever became of "The Evil Slave Class"?

    That has a nice ring to it. Has it gone out of style? Lost its cachet?

    I like "Really Scarey Boogeyman - Everything You've EVER Been Afraid Of" class.

    They're a bunch of superstitious medievalists!

    - Nathan Natas, UADNA
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America)

  • TR

    Appreciate your thoughts, Lee.

    The WTS "N" word is spoken by those I won't mention by name(Yadirf, YK, YOYO, Fred,etc) and they speak as if there is a definite barrier between God and those who choose NOT to accept the WT "way".

    Well, dubs, I don't accept YOUR characterization of what an "apostate" is in God's eyes, nor do most people on this forum. If you think you're making us feel unworthy by using this word, well just think about this; You calling xJWs "apostate" just because we choose not to follow WTS rules and doctrines, is like calling a black person a "nigger". The black person knows that he/she has done nothing wrong, so it is the same with xJWs.


  • KJV

    singing..."But, as for meeeee......., determined I shall beeeeeee....,
    to walk my APOSTACYEEEEEEEEE!!!!!"

    God that was beautiful!!

  • Farkel

    I think it's funny that so many people have taken to calling Jehovah's Witnesses "dubs." It takes all the wind out of their self-righteous sails, and reduces their noble name to a single, denigrating syllable. While most of us embrace their silly "apostate" name without a whit of rancor or emotion, I wonder how dubs feel about being called dubs, or even "braindead" dubs.

    Vile Viper Class

  • DIM

    the JW's can dish out all of the hurtful words they want but if you call them "you people are sick" or "brainwashed, following the organization" they get really upset....thats been my experience with my mom. she's a brainwashed JW. oops, there I go again.

  • meat pie
    meat pie

    Farkel: in the local dialect here (North Scotland) Dubs means mud or poo, generally stuck to the bottom of a welly boot! even better!

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