I just started getting interested in the 'Alien' series. I'm thinking it's giving me nightmares, except that no Aliens are trying to eat me or anything, it's just a general fear thing. Like last night I dreamed somebody broke into my home and I lifted my comfort eye mask to find a gun pointed right at my face. I'm thinking it must be residual fear from watching the movies. Or maybe it was that creepy guy in the green hoodie standing outside my door at 3 a.m. last weekend who didn't knock or do anything but stand there looking at the floor really creepy-like. We called the cops on him, but he left before they arrived and all passed without incident. I think he was just drunk (I could smell the alcohol through the door) and lost, but if he mistook our door for his, I suppose it could have been trouble. Just lucky we were awake at the time, I guess.
Anyway, I was really eager to check out 'Prometheus' when I saw the previews. I started by watching 'Alien' and 'Aliens' beforehand. Definitely sci-fi/horror classics.
'Prometheus' was, to me, a clone of 'Alien', only with better special effects. A guy I know didn't seem to get how it was related to the 'Alien' series, but it seemed very much like a prequel to me. I guess...the premise was [SPOILER ALERT] that these other humanlike beings were planning to use the Aliens to destroy humanity for reasons never explained (but maybe they will be in a sequel). And that's supposed to be what the Space Jockeys are all about (at least that's what I heard they were called). I figured that maybe not all of the ships were headed to Earth, maybe just this particular one, which of course was different from the one that's in 'Alien'. It's not like you'd need more than a few thousand of those creatures to get rid of mankind--just planting them in the right places would decimate all possible defenses. But given the volatile nature of the Aliens, it does seem like there'd be a high probability of something going horribly wrong while attempting to transport such creatures.
I thought the most fascinating part of the film was Michael Fassbender as David, who asks the thought-provoking question of, what would humans do if they met their creator and found out that he created them simply because he could? It kind of chilled me to hear that, but it certainly could be a plausible reason why creation happened, if we were created and all. Just a use of power, like flexing a muscle, nothing more. That would actually make more sense than the idea that God made us out of love, considering his tendency to want to engage in near-extinction-level phenomena towards mankind when he gets pissed off enough. I mean, if we're talking about Bible God, is what I'm saying. There could, of course, be a God without it having to be Bible God. Could be Advice God.
But certainly the c-section was the classic moment of 'Prometheus'. I think if we had one of those machines, my wife would be in much better shape. Apparently you can get up and run like hell right after a c-section, just jab yourself with some adrenaline or whatever...
But I thought those researchers were exceedingly stupid--I mean, why the heck did they take their helmets off after they got down there? Granted, their helmets wouldn't have served any protection had they encountered Aliens, but just the possibility of biological contaminants on a microscopic level--one would think that some further research would have been warranted before just yanking off their helmets. And who didn't love that great finale with the ship falling towards them--oh! Let's run in a straight line away from it!!
I don't know. I guess since I iced my Facebook page, there isn't a lot of talking about stuff like this I can do otherwise. Maybe I should bring it back. But then, it's better this way. Saves me from spending too much time on the computer.