She now says that she is proud I am doing what I think is right and not just livihng a double life. And say although she is not supose to she does not see any harm in seing me covertly. She also says that my best friend was freaked out and that maybe he will start emailing me now, maybe, which they are the two I diud not want to shun me. The rest have always bean a pain in the ass anyway.
Good news. My sister talked to me.
by supernerdboy 7 Replies latest jw experiences
You are so lucky to have your true blue sister back. Hopefully your friend will follow her lead.
Left in the Cold
That's great!
Band on the Run
My family chose me. Well, they chose me covertly. I never expected it to happen.
I never mentioned my wordly stuff to them. We simply never discussed it. They would mention JW stuff and I pretended I did not hear them. No, it was not an equal relationship. Family is worth some inequality. I am glad for you.
Excellent! I hope things just get better in that regard... that's great news for you both.
TY just thought you guys would like to know.