1) *** T-16 p. 5 What Hope for Dead Loved Ones? ***
Now think about this: What was Lazarus’ condition during those four days he was dead? Lazarus did not say anything about being in a heaven of bliss or a hell of torment, which surely he would have done if he had been there. No, Lazarus was completely unconscious in death and would have remained so until “the resurrection on the last day” if Jesus had not then restored him to life.
*** lr chap. 34 p. 180 What Will Happen if We Die? ***
Think about this too: If Lazarus had been in heaven for those four days, would he not have said something about it?— And if he had been in heaven, would Jesus have made him come back to earth from that wonderful place?— Of course not!
*** w81 1/15 p. 25 What Happens at Death? *** Now think about this: What was Lazarus’ condition during those four days he was dead? Had he been in heaven? He was a good man. Yet he did not say anything about being in heaven, which surely he would have done if he had been there. No, Lazarus was really dead, even as Jesus said he was. Then why did Jesus at first tell his disciples that Lazarus was only sleeping?
Me: How could they even put that in print, and so many other times not even quoted here? Ok. One thing that ALWAYS got to me is whenever they're reasoning included "The Bible does not say (blah blah), so we can conclude..." or "There is no indication..." whenever they want to support their reasoning or understanding. For one thing, how can someone assume how another person wouldv'e or shouldv'e acted under certain circumstances to prove a point? That is so stupid! Damn WTS! I see it on those detective/cops shows all the time, and they roll with it because they have to finish within an hour, but it gets to me. "If he did committe the murder, why would he have run to the corner store with blood on him, throw the knife away in plain sight, buy duct tape and garbage bags and bins, then run back towards the murder scene? Is that not seeking attention? Any murderer would know better than that..." Damn Law & Order the original series! Another thing is there is no freakin' way EVERY SINGLE DETAIL from any or all EVENTS could possibly have been recorded. IMPOSSIBLE. Take a picture and write all details of it. Placement of items, body language, setting, etc. Every single detail. Now do that as time is passing of every single "frame" of life for each person involved. It can't happen. Stupid for anyone to assume otherwise. Just because something is NOT included does not mean it didn't happen. Henceforth, one cannot assume something was "big" enough in a person's life to include a certain recording. Sermon on the mount was only recorded by one person, right? And there were some core Christian principles included in there. Think about it, even the Bible says “There are, in fact, many other things also which Jesus did, which, if ever they were written in full detail, I suppose, the world itself could not contain the scrolls written.” And he didn't manipulate time. He lived only 33.5 years. But somehow WTS thinks because something wasn't written it is reasonable to conclude it never happened. Damn! I'm not saying Lazarud DID go to heaven, just the Societies reasoning on the matter sucks terribly. Wow, another thought just popped into my head! If Jesus was still alive, Lazarus could NOT have gone into heaven yet! Jesus was to be the firstfruit. So why would that even be a reasoning factor? Damn! And even IF it was recorded, the NWT would translate incorrectly to not conflict their understanding. Like the comma in "Most truly I tell you today,..." and when Jesus called himself "I AM" (Yahweh's name). 2) *** km 4/10 p. 3 Question Box *** Should Jehovah’s Witnesses circulate recordings or transcripts of talks? We are strengthened and encouraged by Bible discourses. (Acts 15:32) Therefore, it is natural to want to share such encouraging information with those who were not present. With the advent of various recording devices, a talk can be recorded and distributed to others at a moment’s notice. Some have maintained a collection of recorded talks, including talks that were given many years ago, and with good motive they lend these talks or reproduce them for friends. Others have created Web sites and posted talks there for anyone to download. Understandably, there is no objection if we record talks for personal use or for members of our family. In addition, elders may arrange for talks to be recorded for infirm members of the congregation who are unable to attend the meetings. However, there are good reasons for us not to circulate transcripts or recordings of talks. Because talks are often delivered with local needs in mind, we could easily misconstrue points from a circulated recording, since we would not be aware of the setting in which the talk was given. In addition, it would be difficult for us to verify who gave the talk and when, so that we can have confidence that the information presented is up-to-date and accurate. (Luke 1:1-4) Further, circulating transcripts or recordings of talks might tempt some to give or accept undue attention and honor.—1 Cor. 3:5-7. The faithful and discreet slave works hard to provide spiritual food in the right “measure” and at “the proper time.” (Luke 12:42) This includes the arrangement for talks to be given at local congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses and audio recordings that can be downloaded from the official jw.org Web site. We can be confident that the faithful and discreet slave and its Governing Body will provide what we need in order to be made firm in the faith.—Acts 16:4, 5. Ok, ok, ok, ok, ok hold up! Let me get this straight... They use a Book, written from about 6000 years ago until 2000 years ago, by men they have never met, under conditions they have no idea about, with settings unbeknownst to them. That book has been translated over and over and over and no originals have been found. And that book was translated by men they have never met, under conditions they have no idea about, with settings unbeknownst to them. In a dead language. And that very book determines your right to exist! And you will continue to exist only if you follow that book! Is that not a contradiction to the Question box? Yet, that book is even MORE relevant today than when written because we have been enlightened. And we need to base our life, decisions, thinking, actions, emotions, information, families, etc on that very book that was written by men we have never met, under conditions we have no idea about, with settings unbeknownst to us. And that's what God wants us to do. BUT, Jehovah's same Holy Spirit, which is leading the WTS mind you, that presented the timeless information in the Bible, does not want you listening to talks given 5 years ago "Because talks are often delivered with local needs in mind, we could easily misconstrue points from a circulated recording, since we would not be aware of the setting in which the talk was given. In addition, it would be difficult for us to verify who gave the talk and when, so that we can have confidence that the information presented is up-to-date and accurate". A double standard? Hypocrisy? Whack reasoning? Yes to all 3. I look forward to reading more by whomever care to share