A few favorite quotes from the above threads...
::So, are large parties OK or not? Are they a conscience matter? After all, I know a sister who had to cancel a party she was planning because her guest list got out, people were inviting people without her knowledge and she had no way of knowing for sure who all was there. The elders (and Circuit Overseer) helped reason with this sister how ill-advised a party of this nature would be.:: (Yes, God forbid someone show up that you don't want there!! You could nnever just say, "I'm sorry, this party was by invitation only.")
::I've even seen other elders and older MS's there having fun and dancing or having a drink. :: (Now *THIS* is a mind-blower! Who woulda thunk it???)
::. We have a bro in our cong who ignored this counsel. He even missed meetings in order to qualify in his chosen trade. He became a well qualified tradesman and is now used extensively in the KH and assembly hall construction work:: (Which just goes to show, you're used if you do have an education, told not to get one if you don't. !?!?!)
Reading these threads is really no different from the cong I attend. There are people there who would be WAY better off being an asetic and denying themselves any pleasure.
Wasn't it, ummmm, *JESUS* who attended a three-day wedding festival and provided the very best wine?
If I went around and told people I was planning a three day wedding reception I'd be hauled away and locked up.
Just proves, you can't rely on what other's comfort level is to make up your mind about entertainment. I have always gone by common sense, which means don't blast your plans about in the open.
Some will be offended no matter what. I'm not worried about 'stumbling' them; they will find something to stumble over easily enough, no?
Seven, thanks for a really pathetic thread. ;)