He said: "<biometrics>, if you can't see 1914, and don't beleive the GB is God's only channel, there's not much point in discussing this any further".
The most logical thing I've heard from an elder
by biometrics 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
faith is such a clever notion. it makes up for all the holes in religion.
if you can't see 1914, and don't beleive the GB is God's only channel, there's not much point in discussing this any further".
Translation - (Fingers in ears) 'Lalalalalalalalalalalalalalala..I ain't listening! Laaalaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaaaa!'
I would say if you can't see 1914, and don't beleive the GB is God's only channel then it's time to move on because that religion ain't gonna do it for ya.
That's exactly the point Don Cameron made in his book! He said... "The Point: Of all the things that can be known about this religion, there is only one thing that needs to be known… is the WTS (and it's leadership) God's Organisation?"
and... "all other Watchtower teachings are dependent—not on what the Bible says but, as will be shown, on what“God’s organization” currently says the Bible says.
biometrics: He said: "<biometrics>, if you can't see 1914, and don't beleive the GB is God's only channel, there's not much point in discussing this any further".
Just exactly HOW are you supposed to SEE something that allegedly happened invisibly?
Doubting Bro
It is true though. If they are God's Organization, then he'll fix whatever problems come up. If they're not, then they're 1) doomed or 2) there isn't a God to care either way and there's no benefit to following them.
I used to believe that they were God's Organization and thus tried to effect local change to the best I could. Once I realized they couldn't possibly be Gods organization mainly due to 1914 not being prophetically significant, then the rest of the doctrinal matters really didn't matter.
if you can't see 1914, and don't beleive the GB is God's only channel, there's not much point in discussing this any further
I've actually heard the "GB as God's channel" point more and more the last year from elders discussing upcoming judicial meetings. I am only an MS, but hearing elders talk about publishers who are "struggling in the truth," many elders will just cut to the chase and lay it out - "do they believe that God has an earthly organization directing the work?" If not, they know it's all a moot point and there's no helping the publisher any more. Even if the publisher is not guilty of any wrong doing and is not up for any judicial matters.
These elders have gone through the motions, one judicial meeting after another and they've finally figured it out. If a publisher starts to doubt the orgainization in any way, all is list. Don't even try any more. They won't even attempt to "correct" their thinking on the matter. It never works!
Once a publisher, no matter how faithful, starts to have doubts about the slave, it's only a matter of time until they're DF'd! Helping to "correct" the publisher's thinking will just waste everyone's time and only delay they inevitable. "Satan's already got 'em. Let 'em go!"
" if you can't see 1914, and don't believe the GB is God's only channel, there's not much point in discussing this any further ".
This is pretty much the way many other religious organizations would handle a questioning individual who was a standing member.
Pose questing opposition to the hierarchical leaders and you'll be dealt with.
In other words if you don't capitulate, you have of no use to us and your deemed a viable threat to the organization and their power,
we will start demonising and discrediting your character in front of all the other members, including your immediate family.
You should have said in return, so if I don't accept the lies and false teachings of the WTS. I cant be allowed to be a functioning member ?
Yes Brother, that is " The Truth "
The truth set me free.