When is the best time to INTERVENE?
Ask a referee in a Boxing match and he will tell you. "When the rules are broken."
Is there a better time to intervene?
What if a friend is very drunk and wants to drive home? Intervention before an accident can occur is best!
Friends don't let friends drive drunk. That is prevention by intervention.
When bad judgement threatens the life of anybody it is time for those with BETTER judgement to step in and INTERVENE.
Keep all that in mind as we take brief survey......
In the days of Nimrod it was mankind's intention to build a tower. It was a tower into the heavens! A rather pathetic tower.
In the ancient world 480 ft (Great Pyramid) was about as high as they could go. Today, the world's tallest building is almost 3 thousand feet high.
By today's standards a Tower in Babel would be something none of us would look at twice.
It is laughable that this puny tower "into the heavens" would trigger outrage.
Jehovah sprung into Prevention Mode. No free will buildings allowed! Man's intention was as good as deed done.
Intervention was God's tool. God is said to have "confused" man's one langue into many languages.
It seems man was choosing badly. Is man "allowed" choice? Really? Whose life was at stake?
Contrived plot points stick out as bad writing rather than the workings of a Supreme Being.
Conflicted values? Inconsistency? Bad writing?
No, this isn't another of those tiresome opinion-fests about whether man has Free Will or not. Been there; done that.
What if somebody you cared about was about to exercise free will in a very bad choice that would lead not only to their own death....
but the deaths of every person who would ever be born?
Would that be a good and proper time for INTERVENTION by prevention?
For example: in Eden. The wrong choice would bring death for Adam, Eve and any children they may be permitted to conceive.
Would it be a loving and caring intervention to reach and and prevent terrible choice that ends in death?
Jehovah DID allow Eve & Adam to choose genocide for humanity.
The fate of mankind was in Eve's ovaries and Adam's testicles. We know the bible's answer: God DID allow THAT choice.
Put on your thinking cap for a minute.
When Abram raised the dagger in his hand to plunge death into the heart of his son Isaac---who intervened??
God's angel! The free choice of Abram was considered the moral equivalent of the deed AS THOUGH DONE and completed.
But wait---there's more!
Jehovah prevented the actual death while counting the intention as the same as accomplished---without harm coming to Isaac.
What about Eve raising her hand to pluck the forbidden fruit?
No divine intervention prevented the actual deed which would have saved all Eve's offspring!
Eve's intention could have been "counted as having been done" without permitting contamination to all of potential humanity.
Stay focused with laser-like intensity on the central issue: INTERVENTION by Almighty God.
This record is spotty, arbitrary, capricious and whimsical....at best!
If something is true it is consistent with reality.
Why allow wicked men to prosper on earth for thousands of years?
In the days of Noah he destroyed all but 8 people.
It is said that the "intentions of their heart" were on bad.
Death teaches dead people nothing by way of a lesson to be learned.
In our Sunday School class we were told all this was Lesson and a shadow of things to come. How much sense does it make to teach one set of humans a lesson at the cost of the deaths of another set?
On the one hand humans aren't really worth much--so--they are destroyed. On the other hand God loves them sooooo much.
Which is it?
If the Wages of Sin are Death it is JUST to pay those wages. Right?
Denying the worker his wages is UNjust.
But, eventually, this turns out to be the Divine Plan all along! Denying Justice is the Divine Plan!
God intervened to get the Jews out of Egypt just to see to it that they receive His perfect Law. Why?
God hardened the heart of Pharoah (manipulated his intentions) by intervention in his will.
The balance and fairness of perfect justice is God's shining intervention....only to be tossed aside as the fulcrum of the Divine Plan.
Why say it was "tossed aside?" Because of this reason: Justice had nothing to do with Jesus's ransom sacrifice.
Those who received mercy got it FREE of all JUSTICE. How so? Sin is paid by death. That is Justice.
Jesus was sinless yet his wage was death. That is not justice.
If Jesus were the same as Isaac an angel would have prevented his Crucifixion and Jesus' willingness counted as just as good as deed done!
But, no.
How does this all add up as consistent, logical, rational or sensible?
Does it pass any sniff test?
INTERVENTION in the first instance (Eden) would have saved the necessity of intervention in all the rest!
One thing is clear.
Ad Hoc explanations are the work of many minds over many centuries with little regard for consistency of "plot".