Is the Copy Of Ray Franz's Trial By The Governing Body Online?

by ÁrbolesdeArabia 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    I think it's pages 320 through 330 where Ray Franz mentions, when the Governing Body prosecution asked the trial to be recorded, Ray said, he had no problem as long as he got a copy of the Trial his accusers would use against him.

    I did a search on JWN and found no trace of this old audio recording, any old-timers here, know if Ray Franz released the audio cassette to the public? It would demonstrate how irrational and unbiblical the GB movement is!

    What is "In Search Of Christian Freedom About"? Part two of COC or another route of Christian topics?

  • Bangalore

    I think they did not release the recording.


  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Thank you banglore, they are dishonest and evil, liars and hipocrites don't you think?

    I want to share a story I know took place, I am aware of elders who illegally recorded confessions from wrong-doers with telling them they were on on Candid Camera.

    The reasoning of the superfine elders goes like this, "we might be able to gauge the situation better by listening to the recording a couple of times." "Some times you can hear by a persons voice if he lacks affect" They are the real apostates of Jesus Christ, who is going to punish them for being modern day pharisees!

    I wish someone would break into Bethel and steal those tapes, maybe one day someone will offer a large sum of money to clean out the GB minutes to bring forth truth against bad men! Larry Flint of "Hustler" offered a reward to catch corrupt men after Bill Clinton was accused of being the only one having extra-maritial sex, someone exposed (I think it was Newt" and got the $2 million dollar reward from Mr. Flint).

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