There is no thing in nothing but there is everything in art.
Faith is art. Belief is art. Ecstacy of the mind is the percussive wave of art as it washes over our consciousness.
The greatest music ever composed, performed and raptly attended by humanity is that of transcendent creative demonstration.
Music goes beyond mere human experience of the mundane world.
Music transports us into wordless ecstacy of the mind and uplifts the ethereal aspects of our nature.
The poet, novelist, artist and philosopher can stimulate the mind into numinous embrace of something seemingly more real than reality itself.
These are chemistry in the brain. Explainable yet inexplicable as to what is felt and emboldened--Yet, none of this is supernatural.
Like it or not, the greatest book we have ever read ended when we turned the final page and closed the cover. Yet, our mind is on fire with possibility and superior consciousness vibrant with intention and resonant empathies! We WANT MORE.....
And so...what is left for this hunger to dine upon but a bargain to be made where by we trade the real world for the "better" one of the mind??
How do we cross over?
The Supernatural is born.
Science holds us to fast rules unbreakable. Where is the numinous in that?
No---We must abandon all the rules.
Now we place our feet opon two paths which never cross. The one is concrete, adamant and implacable while the other is deuces wild and endlessly possible of adventure!
Why wouldn't we become confused as to which is which?
Why wouldn't we spend our time where there lies the greatest escape?
Religion is the supernatural but it is with the numinous and the transcendent the artists make the argument for the priests.
Scraping a bow of horsehair across a stretched gut string is explicable as vibrations.
This is the science of the violin but none of the transcendence of the experience of its music! We turn from understanding to EXPERIENCING the beauty and we leave reality for a supra-reality of the numinous.
So too we read "holy" text and make music of imagined spirit through the excitation of our intellect. How else? We cut the ropes mooring our imagination to the real world.
But, even that IS real. Yet--the supernatural need not exist for it all to be either true or "true".
Just don't lose the thread, the map, the bridge which allows us to the world we--in the final analysis MUST live inside for better or worse.
Music about God can be written without God.
Art about God can be painted without God.
Why? Art and music are numinous and transcendent and God is supernatural.
We MUST have the tangible to imagine the intangible.
The bible is--when all is said and done--tangible at worst and art at best.