Dionysus/Jesus myths - Which came first?????

by everchangingworld 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • everchangingworld

    For those of you who have already done research on this, have you been able to find information that proves Jesus was based on Dionysus? Do we have proof that any of the following was written PRIOR to 1st century: Dionysus turning water into wine, born of a virgin mortal, sent by Zeus to save mankind, dead and resurrected (or any of the other parallels).

    Note: I'm agnostic/atheist, but I'm still curious about the historical details.

    Was Dionysus based on Jesus, or is it the other way around????

    I know Dionysus as a mythical figure pre-dates Jesus, but as for the parallels, were they added later, as claimed by author on about-jesus.org. Has anyone debunked the claims that Dionysus parallels were actually based on the Jesus figure??

  • NeonMadman
  • Perry

    Read this years ago and it answered my similar question:

    Good question......was Jesus Christ just a CopyCat Savior Myth?

  • processor

    The Jesus myth was written in the 1st or 2nd century while the mentioned Dionysus myth was written in the 19th or 20th century.

    This is likely similar to that Horus thing in the Zeitgeist movie. Sounding nice, but being outstanding nonsense.

  • JustHuman14

    Dionysus goes back at least 1500 years before Christ, and he was the last God to be accepted to be along with other Gods in mount Olympus. He was the God of grapes and wine making, ritual madness and ecstasy, and the founder of the Hellenic theatre. He had his Cult as well, and during the festivities his followers drink wine in order Dionysus will possesed their mind and soul. Although we have the similarities that you mentioned above, there is a huge difference between Dionysus and Christ was moral characteur.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Dionysus/Jesus myths - Which came first?????

    The internet.

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