Memorial Thursday

by Georgia 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Georgia

    Memorial is this week on Thursday.
    I will be travelling with my JW mother and need
    to take her to KH for Memorial.
    I need to explain to her why I can't go there and
    NOT partake. I'm thinking of reading John 6:50+ to
    her. Any suggestions on other scriptures I should
    use to show that we MUST accept the blood and body
    of Christ, and that this shows our acceptance of him
    as our ransom sacrifice. Georgia

  • dungbeetle

    If your mother is over the age of forty with a few years in the org, I wouldn't rock the boat. Can't you just tell her YOU have a 'calling' and leave it like that?

    This is the one day a year the Watchtower 'lets' the JW's celebrate anything;let her have that. Besides, if her child is a partaker, she might be a little proud of it....good for you!!!!!

    Georgia, you made my day!!!

    2004 Memorial Attendance: 15,000,000
    2004 Memorial Partakers:...6,000,000


    UADNA-US (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America-United States)

    edited because can't spell on only one cup of coffee...

  • Grunt

    Hi Georgia,
    There is a pretty good discussion of this sort of thing with a good link from JT on the subject under a topic by LDH I think it was, Calling Patterson. In the discussion several people bring up discussions they have had, much like the one you are thinking of having. Were it I in your stead I would explain my feelings to her but then tell her I would not partake there as it would cause her problems. I agree with you 100% on partaking. You can, and I do, partake at other times and other places, why make her and her child the subject of gossip among her friends in the congregation? Hopefully your respect and empathy could make her appreciate your love and concern for her and maybe your respect for her feelings might lead her to consider the reasoning behind your point of view a little. I would NOT put her in a position where the elders are likely to talk to her about being around APOSTATE YOU. More than one parent/child relationship has been severed by the shadow of the Tower and the misguided advice of elders. Whatever you do I wish you and your mother well.

  • deddaisy

    I can't help you out in the scripture area, but I agree that you should explain to your mom that you would otherwise partake, but for her sake, won't....I guess you need to do what you feel is right but for what it's worth, I took my baptised mother to the Memorial a couple years back, even though I personally DID NOT WANT TO ATTEND! I went because my father had recently passed away (he was DF'ed)and she was having a hard enough time emotionally. I can honestly say that I have absolutely no regrets about putting my personal feelings on the subject on a back burner and escorting my mother to a service that meant alot to HER. That was the last Memorial that she attended, she passed away seven months later. She wasn't a "Gungho" witness and I could've gotten away with not taking her....But I'm glad that I didn't make a big deal of it. It's not worth it as far as I'm concerned.
    Peace, T

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