Esau WT trading card No 26

by aposta-Z 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • aposta-Z
  • Sapphy

    Ooh Esau is one mean looking dude. Never mind that Jacob & Rebecca tricked Issac into not blessing Esau like he wanted...

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    Can someone explain to me why the WT treats the Bible like a comic book? By the way, when's that Joshua action figure coming out? I understand that if you view the Bible as the word of God you'll have a keen interest in the motivations and actions of people recorded in its pages. However the WT has a kinda perverted idolatrous outlook towards the Bible. They dont see it as something you simply learn and build faith from. No to the contrary, they worship it. It's like someone worshiping a math book, making trading cards for the symbols representing division, equals, or multiplication. So its no longer a math instruction book, its something you worship.

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