Credit Cards At Conventions/Assemblies

by turtleturtle 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • turtleturtle

    Seriously, what is the ORG thinking, putting credit/debit machines at assemblies/conventions? I know non-witnesses that think this is disgusting. So, I pulled up an article about WHY merchants will be prone to accept these payments.


    When it comes to credit cards, it's well established in the field of behavioral economics that people who use plastic are unconsciously willing to spend more than those who pay with cash, a phenomenon known as the "credit card premium." That's because there's an emotional pain associated with handing over hard currency that curbs spending, as opposed to mindless purchasing when forking over plastic.

    It provides a lesson for even financially prudent people — just because you pay off your card balances every month to avoid finance charges doesn't mean credit cards aren't harming you. You might be overspending, simply because of the payment method you choose.

    The new study adds to that research, suggesting another reason why people spend more with credit cards. It found that the intention to pay with either cash or credit can determine whether a consumer concentrates on a product's benefits or its cost — to the point they might choose different products when they know they will be paying with credit.


    I would love to pull a Jesus Christ when I see those machines next time. Could you imagine?


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    They obviously do their homework

  • sir82

    Most JWs I know view the credit card machines as a "loving provision", making it "more convenient" to contribute (don't have to carry cash).

    Of course, those are the exact same JWs who laughed or shook their heads when the Awake magazine, a decade or 2 earlier, made fun of churches who installed credit card machines for themselves.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone
    I would love to pull a Jesus Christ when I see those machines next time. Could you imagine?

    I love it!!!

    It makes me wonder what Jesus would do/say if He were to encounter the WT (and others) if on earth today. That might be sort of a fun thread...

  • Splash

    *** g73 12/8 p.29 Watching the World ***

    Church Money

    ♦ Some religious organizations are going to new ends to acquire money. The Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church in Buffalo, New York, now accepts credit cards, not just cash donations. One finance committee member says: “A church can’t survive on 50-cent [cash] donations.” Credit-card donations are up to $30. Admission is now being charged visitors to London’s thirteenth-century Salisbury Cathedral. A London Observer article calls this “a last-ditch attempt to find a way of meeting the desperate need for funds.”

    *** g03 8/8 p.29 Watching the World ***

    Plastic Card Donations

    “A growing number of Canadian churches” are adopting “modern banking practices, introducing bank cards and credit cards as convenient ways for parishioners to make collection-plate donations,” says the VancouverSun newspaper. Debit machines have been placed in church halls along with “donation envelopes with options for automatic account withdrawal and credit card payment.” Individuals simply swipe their card, key in the amount they wish to donate, and then put a copy of the receipt in the collection plate. As one pastor stated: “A cashless society is where society is going. Why not the church?” A church treasurer joked: “You get air-miles on your card, plus you go to heaven for donations. Just think of it as double reward points.”


  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Jesus Christ had nowhere to lay his head. Jesus had low overhead costs. Jesus’ lifestyle was very simple. Therefore, he had no need to burden his followers for money and yet he is called the Greatest Teacher that ever lived.

    The WTBTS, on the other hand, has massive overhead costs in the form of large real estate holdings furnished with machinery, office equipment and living quarters that in turn need to be kept-up and maintained. Upkeep of these holdings can only be done with revolving large sums of money.

    Add to that a sizeable legal department that is battling numerous lawsuits which WT has brought upon themselves. It takes large sums of dedicated man-hours focused on bringing in the revenue needed to cover all these operating costs. Debit and credit card stations at circuit and district conventions have been added in their arsenal of collections to meet their excessive spending. What next!

    Oh, what a web WT weaves when they practice to deceive!

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