Man In India Facing Jail Time For Debunking a So Called 'Miracle'

by brinjen 8 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • brinjen

    So this statue of Jesus appears to be weeping which brings in the flock. Parishiners begin collecting it and distrubuting the water as 'holy water' and people drink it in hope it may cure then of their ailments. Man investigates and discovers it is actually coming from a leaking sewerage pipe.

    In exchange for telling this, he is now being charged with Blasphemy... for intruding on the church's right to believe that it's holy water... gimme a break.

  • tootired2care

    He should thank his lucky stars that he's not living in the 16th century where he would surely be excecuted for apostacy.

  • tec

    I saw this elsewhere.

    I don't see how pointing out reality is blasphemy. If his claim was a lie, then it should have been easy enough to investigate and disprove it. (same with the reverse) If it was simply unknown, then it is unknown.

    Blasphemy laws, hate speech laws, and also free speech laws... all depend upon people to use common sense (not so common), and to not abuse or manipulate the laws. Plus different countries have different nuances in their laws, and that makes it even harder to navigate.



  • tootired2care

    TEC - Blasphemy laws =/ common sense

  • MrFreeze

    Blasphemy... a victimless crime.

  • glenster

    I don't want anyone hurt or killed over such things, either, but I'm pretty sure
    you meant guiltless crime.

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    He should thank his lucky stars that he's not living in the 16th century where he would surely be excecuted for apostacy.

    Or the person who discovered it Would be executed for witchcraft.

  • brinjen

    It's not like anyone can not still believe that the water is holy if they want to. He provided a rational explaination... that's all.

  • brinjen

    I'd also like to know where the building codes stand in a situation like this. Surely there should be some responsibility on the church to investigate any water leakage... not just assume it's a miracle of some sort.

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