Full transcript of the Prank Call on the Nurse looking after Kate Middleton

by Broken Promises 5 Replies latest social current

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises


    Michael Christian: We've been handed a phone number and we have been told that this phone number is the hospital where Kate Middleton is currently staying. We thought we'd give it a call. We don't want to cause any trouble, don't want to stress her out. But I reckon we could maybe get her on the radio tonight

    Mel Greig: I don't know. I mean everybody will be trying this

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    Christian:Well this is why I've thought of a plan. We can't just ring up and say 'hi it's MC and Mel from Summer30, can we chat to Kate?' It's not gonna happen. You are going to be the Queen

    Greig: This is awesome

    Christian:I'm going to be Prince Charles. Ben and Em so you're involved as well, we thought you could be the royal corgis, if you're ok with that? I'm going to dial this number. So you're going to be the queen

    Greig:Hello I'm the Queen.

    Christian:Hello. Prince Charles over her mummy

    Greig: Oh, you're Prince Charles I like your ears

    Christian: Let's give this hospital a call and see if we can get Kate Middleton or maybe even Prince Wills on the phone tonight. Oh I hope this happens


    Receptionist:Hello good morning King Edward Hospital

    Greig:Oh hello there, could I speak to Kate please, my granddaughter

    Receptionist:Oh yes, just hold on ma'am

    Greig:Thank you

    Christian:Are they putting us through?



    Christian: If this has worked, it's the easiest prank call ever made. You're accent sucked by the way, I just want you to know

    Greig:I'm not used to playing 80-year-olds. (Phone connects) Kate my darling are you there?

    Nurse:Good morning ma'am this is the nurses station how may I help you?

    Greig: Hello I'm just after my granddaughter Kate. I wanted to see how her little tummy bug is going

    Nurse:She's sleeping at the moment and has had an uneventful night, sleep is good for her. She's been given some fluids to re-hydrate her as she was quite dehydrated when she came in. But she's stable at the moment

    Greig:Oh ok. Well I'll just feed my little corgis then. So when is a good time to come and visit her? Because I'm the Queen and I'll need a lift down. Charles! When can you take me to the hospital Charles?

    Christian:When will it be alright to come down and see her? Maybe in the morning or something? If that's ok.

    Nurse: I would suggest that any time after nine o'clock would be suitable, because the doctor will be in in the morning and we'll just be getting her freshened up. I would think any time after nine.

    Christian:Is Wills still there or has he gone? I haven't spoken to him yet

    Nurse: He went home at about half past nine last night. Actually, probably about nine o clock last night

    Christian: Lovely. But they're all ok, everything's alright?

    Nurse: Yes she's quite stable at the moment. She hasn't had any retching with me since I've been on duty. And she has been sleeping on and off


    Nurse:I think it's difficult sleeping in a strange bed as well

    Christian: Yes, of course! It's hardly the Palace is it!

    Greig:It's nothing like the Palace is it Charles. Oh when are you going to walk those bloody corgis?

    Christian:Mumsey, I'll go and take the dogs outside

    Greig: I need to go and visit Kate in the morning. My dear thank you so much

    Nurse: You're very welcome



    (HANGS UP)

    Greig:She was giving us real information!

    Christian:Mumsey I think that they believed everything we said

    Greig:I am the Queen bow for me

    Christian: Bow for you and your terrible accent

  • Chariklo

    Yes, I heard that broadcast when the news first broke, not sure which station. They very quickly stopped broadcasting it though.

  • AnnOMaly

    As the pranksters said, they never thought it would have gone that far (I feel sorry for them too). The accents were appalling and the very first sentence should have given it away that this was a send-up. The Queen would have had one of her officials call on her behalf; 'Kate' would have been called by her royal title and she's not the Queen's granddaughter anyway. The ensuing conversation got increasingly 'unroyal'-sounding.

    It's tragic the nurse took it so hard. She was likely busy and caught off guard, and she had only passed the call to the nurse's station. She wasn't even the one revealing confidential information! Her poor family. Just awful.

  • rebel8

    I agree it is tragic the nurse reacted in the way she did. There must be more to the story.

    If this is the full and accurate transcript then it does appear the nurse did shirk her duty to protect patient privacy.

    Media does this stuff all the time, even to local politicians. Hospitals usually train their staff on that and how to properly handle the calls.

  • mamochan13

    I agree that there must be more to the story. She sounded out of breath, perhaps distracted, otherwise as you say, AnnOmaly - it should have been pretty obvious it was not really the queen calling. Either the nurse was facing severe reprimands or something else was going on. The hospital is covering their rear now, but I could see them firing the nurse, which would possibly account for her actions.

  • Chariklo

    On the recording, the nurse was clearly not English, and sounded overwhelmed to think she was talking to the Queen. She actually sounded like a lovely gentle lady, and was apparently a first class nurse.

    I think she genuinely thought she had let Her Majesty down, and would have been overwhelmed to think that she was the cause of such a security breach.

    Poor lady.

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