Here's a "treat":
Some of this page needs translating. Yet, as you scroll, you'll WITNESS this:
The following table sets forth, as of October 31, 2000, the outstanding Class ACommon Stock of the Company owned of record or beneficially by each person whoowned of record, or was known by the Company to own beneficially, more than 5%of the Company's Common Stock. A person is deemed to be the beneficial owner ofsecurities that can be acquired by such person within 60 days from such dateupon the exercise of options. Each beneficial owner's percentage ownership isdetermined by assuming that options that are held by such person and which areexercisable within 60 days from the date are exercised. As of October 31, 2000,there were 10,217,735 common shares issued and outstanding.
Rand Energy Group, Inc. [1]
5,325,000 52.11%]
[1] Rand Energy Group Inc. is owned 51% by Reg Technologies Inc. and 49% byRand Cam Engine Corp. Under Rule 13d-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of1934, both Reg Technologies Inc. and Rand Cam Engine Corp. could be consideredthe beneficial owner of the 5,367,900 shares registered in the name of RandEnergy Group Inc. Reg Technologies Inc. is a British Columbia corporationlisted on the Canadian Venture Exchange that has financed the research on theRand Cam Engine since 1986. Since October 1984 Mr. Robertson has been Presidentand a Director of Reg Technologies Inc. SMR Investment Ltd., a British Columbiacorporation, holds a controlling interest in Reg Technologies Inc. Since May1977 Mr. Robertson has been President and a member of the Board of Directors of SMR Investments Ltd. Susanne M. Robertson, Mr. Robertson's wife, owns SMRInvestment Ltd. Rand Cam Engine Corp. is a privately held company whose stockis reportedly owned 50% by The Watchtower Society, a religious organization, 34%by James McCann and the balance by several other shareholders. Mr. McCann hasindicated that he donated the shares held by The Watchtower Society to thatorganization but has retained a voting proxy for those shares.
Rand Cam Engine Corp. is a privately held company whose stock is reportedlyowned 50% by The Watchtower Society, a religious organization, 34% by JamesMcCann and the balance by several other shareholders. Mr. McCann has indicatedthat he donated the shares held by The Watchtower Society to that organizationbut has retained a voting proxy for those shares. Accordingly, the beneficialownership of the 5,367,900 shares registered in the name of Rand Energy GroupInc. can be attributed to The Watchtower Society and Mr. McCann. The Companybelieves it would be misleading and not provide clear disclosure to list asbeneficial owners in the table the other entities and persons discussed in thisparagraph, although a strict reading of Rule 13d-3 under the Securities ExchangeAct of 1934 might require each such entity and person to be listed in thebeneficial ownership table.
The following table sets forth, as of October 31, 2000, the name andshareholdings beneficially owned by each director, naming each, and directorsand executive officers as a group. A person is deemed to be the beneficial ownerof securities that can be acquired by such person within 60 days from such dateupon the exercise of options. Each beneficial owner's percentage ownership isdetermined by assuming that options that are held by such person and which areexercisable within 60 days from the date are exercised. As of October 31, 2000,there were 10,217,735 common shares issued and outstanding.
John G. Robertson[1][2] [6]President and member of theBoard of Directors
5,676,050 55.55%
James L. Vandeberg [3], Chief Operating Officer andmember of the Board of Directors
75,000 0.73%
Brian Cherry [1][4], Vice-President and Member of theBoard of Directors
300,500 2.94%
6,111,550 59.81% ]
Except as noted below, all shares are held beneficially and of record and eachrecord shareholder has sole voting and investment power.
[1] These individuals are the Executive Officers and Directors of theCompany and may be deemed to be "parents or founders" of the Company as thatterm is defined in the Rules and Regulations promulgated under the SecuritiesAct of 1933, as amended.
[2] Includes 8,150 common shares and rights to purchase, pursuant to stockoptions, 300,000 common shares. Includes 5,367,900 shares registered in thename of and Energy Group Inc. See Note (6) below for an explanation of thebeneficial ownership of Rand Energy Group Inc. Mr. Robertson disclaimsbeneficial ownership of these shares beyond the extent of his pecuniaryinterest. Mr. Robertson's address is the same as the Company's.
3] Includes 75,000 options that are currently exercisable. Mr. Vandeberg'saddress is Ogden Murphy Wallace, One Union Square, Suite 2424, Seattle,Washington.
[4] Includes 175,500 common shares and 125,000 options that are currentlyexercisable. Mr. Cherry's address is the same as the Company's.
[5] Includes common shares and stock options for Brian Cherry, JenniferLorette, James Vandeberg, Peter Badgley and John Robertson, exercisable within60 days.
[6] Rand Energy Group Inc. is owned 51% by Reg Technologies Inc. and 49% byRand Cam Engine Corp. Under Rule 13d-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of1934, both Reg Technologies Inc. and Rand Cam Engine Corp. could be consideredthe beneficial owner of the 5,367,900 shares registered in the name of RandEnergy Group Inc. Reg Technologies Inc. is a British Columbia corporationlisted on the Canadian Venture Exchange that has financed the research on theRand Cam Engine since 1986. Since October 1984 Mr. Robertson has been Presidentand a Director of Reg Technologies Inc. SMR Investment Ltd., a British Columbiacorporation, holds a controlling interest in Reg Technologies Inc. Since May1977 Mr. Robertson has been President and a member of the Board of Directors ofSMR Investments Ltd. Susanne M. Robertson, Mr. Robertson's wife, owns SMRInvestment Ltd.
Accordingly, in Note (2) above, beneficial ownership of the 5,367,900shares registered in the name of Rand Energy Group Inc. has been attributed toMr. Robertson. The Company believes it would be misleading and not provideclear disclosure to list as beneficial owners in the table the other entitiesand persons discussed in this paragraph, although a strict reading of Rule 13d-3under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 might require each such entity andperson to be listed in the beneficial ownership table
Rand Cam Engine Corp. is a privately held company whose stock is reportedlyowned 50% by The Watchtower Society, a religious organization, 34% by JamesMcCann and the balance by several other shareholders. Mr. McCann has indicatedthat he donated the shares held by The Watchtower Society to that organizationbut has retained a voting proxy for those shares.
What is HENSCHEL'S lineage?
Just curious.