JWs Dissfellowship Jesus!!

by radar 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • radar

    JWs Dissfellowship Jesus!

    Yes its true!
    We are nearing the time of year now when JWs gather in their millions and display utter rejection of their saviour Jesus Christ.

    This empty ritual known as the Memorial, will be taking place around the world soon.
    Bread and wine will be passed before the eyes of each individual “Witness” and 99.5 % of them will reject it.

    Why? Did Jesus say that some of his followers should not eat it?

    Not so! It’s because some old men in Brooklyn say so.! There is not one single Bible verse that says Jesus Christ’s followers should not share this meal.

    This refusing of a meal with someone, was regarded as a rejection of that person in Bible times. It is so ironic, that the Watchtower enforces its Shunning policy on its own members on that basis

    Yes loyalty to the ageing men in Brooklyn surpasses that of their professed saviour.

    And just to highlight the mind control of the Watchtower,….. the Governing Body in a court of law, would put their hands up in the air and say : they never told anyone not to eat of it, and the rank and file members would all agree!!!!

  • Adam

    We should all go to kingdom halls for the memorial and when the wine and bread is passed, we should all partake, lots. That would get JWs pretty stirred up. I would have a hard time keeping a straight face.

  • ThiChi

    Hallelujah! Poor me another one, boys...........

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    "... and the rank and file members would all agree!!!!"

    So sad but true.

    Q = Do you reject the Lord Jesus Christ?

    A = Of course not, we blah, blah,blah, and thats why its the truth.

    Q = What about at the Memorial, do you reject then?

    A = Don't be silly, (rolls eyes)thats not the same thing, (avoiding eye contact) umm, that's reserved for special people only, the bible says so.

    Q = Oh, could you please show me where?

    A = Oh, err, um, how about having a look at this nice passage instead.
    It explains why I let some old men in Brooklyn make me shun my children.

    Q = I'm waiting...

    A = I'm sorry, I haven't practiced that one yet. I'll have to come back.

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