Paradise Earth: Just around the corner. Honest this time.
by kurtbethel 9 Replies latest jw friends
Nice. Make sure to add another panel that says " move faster ". It is not enough to do more. You should also speed up because then end is so close now. Maybe throw in some old rats that are being left behind, or have the younger rats running over them.
And maybe add a panel from the top view that shows that they are going around in a big circle.
Maybe throw in some old rats that are being left behind,. . . . .
. . . . . or maybe "millions of them" DEAD that are being left behind!
Good one!! Next picture should show this as a 'maze.' Doorless.
It should be a hexagon.
I could spend all day adding panels, but I made my point. Someone else can add as many panels as they think it needs.
Woe to the JW who doesn't keep up with the program from the GB--
they sure love getting beat up, don't they?
I think that cartoon panel will fit on the back of a large Florida postcard-- I know some old JWs up north who could use some brighter light on a gloomy winter day!
Thanks KurtB!