Can someone answer this question for me? Out of 24
people for the 4 month Gilead School, why are there
on the average only 2 Blacks in each class? In some
classes there are 0 Blacks.
by Pureheart 6 Replies latest jw friends
Can someone answer this question for me? Out of 24
people for the 4 month Gilead School, why are there
on the average only 2 Blacks in each class? In some
classes there are 0 Blacks.
I don't think they discriminate. Gilead students are chosen from around the globe. Lately, each class has had 1 couple from Japan. According to US laws for official schools, a certain number of couple have to be from the U.S., the rest can be foreigners. Couples that speak a second language have a greater chance to attend, specially those that speak spanish or french. Being black is not issue. fyi...Gilead school lasts 20 weeks.
Yayy, go Gilead!!!
One Japanese couple, one black couple, and lots of occidental/caucasians!!!
What a wonderful multi-racial brotherhood!!!
20 weeks or 4 months and a bit, ack, who cares - it's an intensive brainwashing course with no time for proper consideration of the passages of scripture.
To quote a friend of mine, who went through it a few years ago:
"It makes the best apostates!"
I am not sure there is too much discrimination....the WTS would be happy to have anyone these days. It would really like to clone some though to get the figures up.
Blacks are smarter than Whites. They aren't stupid enough to put themsleves through that boring shit. !!!JUST KIDDING!!
I don't know if they do racial discrimination. But I think they like you much better if you have $$$$money$$$$. And lots of it $$$. :)
I don't think they are guilty of discrimination. In fact, some years there are many black couples and then some years there are just a few or none at all.
Thanks for the input.