in the UK--do CO's pay income tax and NI?

by bigmac 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigmac

    are they paid enough to pay any tax--and national insurance?

  • BroMac

    I have often wondered if they do. They receive alot of 'benefit in kind' BIK. Company Car+Fuel, Official accomadation inc all bills paid for. Fed and Watered inc the wife most days.

    then i think if they have not paid enough NI or Tax, and they have to give up circuit work for health or old age will they receive a state pension?

  • bigmac

    are you in the UK Bromac? (are we related --ha ha )

    if they are employed by the watchtower society---how many hours do they work?----are their employers exempted from then minimum hourly rate LAWS ?

    if they dont pay NI contributions--they could fall back on social security---or pension credit if over--62 (?) now----( all UK residents qualify--regardless of NI contributions )

    ----which means this evil system which they await the destruction thereof---will keep them.

  • BroMac

    i missed this. yes I am in th UK. up norf

    I dont know enough about employment with charities to know. maybe they are exempt if classed as minister. I should ask our CO when he comes but I wont

  • bigmac

    bromac---are you on facebook?--if yes--a fair number of us on here are on a closed--invite only-xj uk site---

    e me if [email protected]

    any other UK viewers are invited to contact me too.

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