I see some old Jw's I grew up with and feel bad for them. The reason is because they seem so lost and misguided. Do you ever feel the same way?
old JW friends
by d 7 Replies latest jw friends
But until they are ready they won't wake up...
indeed i knew a friend that left around the same time i did he sold drugs got robbed and killed a person during the robbery he was sentenced to 20 years he attended meetings in prison. I recently saw him at one of my relatives funerals, he greeted me warmly i saw him on facebook i sent an invite and he told me "i have to check your status in the org".Hello are you serious no matter what iv'e done i havent commited a murder. Even in that org a murder in good standing is superior to an inactive or df person...so sad
Typical JW cult thinking . These types of things just reinforce that it is a CULT
I see some and they seem so sad and lost.
finally awake
whenever i see the local dubs, I always feel a bit sorry for them. some seem so unhappy, and they were once my friends.
I agree finallyawake. I see so many of them today and they look like the life was sucked out of them. I see these and they seem to have no goals, dreams or aspirations except to serve the watchtower. This is just so sad to see especially when you see the younger ones who want to serve Jehovah. This just kills me inside
I agree finallyawake. I see so many of them today and they look like the life was sucked out of them. I see these and they seem to have no goals, dreams or aspirations except to serve the watchtower. This is just so sad to see especially when you see the younger ones who want to serve Jehovah.
Really, it's better for the older ones to remain within the "fold". At their advanced age they could not go out and re-build a network of friends. I think many of them have come to terms that the New World is NOT going to come in their lifetime. As has been mentioned, they joke that they realize they will make the New World via the "underground".
So many valuable years wasted. Sad.