Have you noticed whether the overall volume of people singing during the songs has dropped?
For those still in -
by Gothicus 7 Replies latest jw friends
crappy songs
Yeah, on Tuesday night meetings it usually isn't that loud since not that many people come anyways.There's also the fact that there's a new songbook and new lyrics so when you don't know the words, you usually just mumble or hum along which happens almost regularly.
Corious, what are the some of the titles of the new songs?
I have been out since 1987.They can,t be that uninspiring. LOL
Songbook (large print - lyrics only):
I could only count 8 songs which mention the slave class / anointed congregation / brothers taking the lead, and only 49 songs about obeying / supporting / following / being loyal.
My personal favourites are advocating the ministry and some key teachings:
47 - Declare the Good News
97 - Forward! You Ministers of the Kingdom!
17 - Forward you Witnesses!
103 - "From House to House"
10 - "Here I Am Send Me"
101 - Making Known the Kingdom Truths
92 - Preach the Word
44- Sharing Joyfully in the Harvest
98 - Sowing Kingdom Seed
55 - Life Without End - At Last!
116 - The Light Gets Brighter
125 - Loyally Submitting to Theocratic Order
And the best one of all:
120 - Listen, Obey and be Blessed!
yes. unless it has a familiar tune from the old book. any new songs should now be familiar as it has been a few years now. I put this down to being bad songs with impossible melodies and terrible lyrics. never catch on. It does not feel like worship when the congregation is mumbling through and dropping their books down in frustration and looking at everyone else because they cant get it.
Most of the songs are just poorly written
I can have fun with this
47- Declare the Good News_________________ you will be destroyed
103- From House to House__________________ Resides a mouse " CLICK "
101- Making known the Kingdom Truths__________ The latest edition
116- The light Gets Brighter___________when we turn the other off
55- Life without End- At Last!__________ Oops, not yet