It's been some time now since I posted on here, so, I'll refresh those who don't know me. I used to use the Name " nomoreguilt". When the forum changed it's format a few years ago, I lost my password and didn't know how to get back in. Hence, my new name, kozmo. Anyways, it's been about 8 years since I went to any meetings, moved from my old house 6 years ago, and here I am today. What's interesting, is that none of the folks from the congregation that I attended or any of the ones in the local area have tried to contact me. Oh, sure, the locals have come to my door, they don't know who I am, so that's just fine. But what is funny about this is that I can run them off just like any other " Worldly person would do, LOL!! I am so good at this, especially when they hand me a tract or invite to the DC and I tear it up and hand it back to them!!! I am BAD! I do enjoy my annonymity though. Has anyone heard from Mr. Flipper lateley? If you do, have him give me a call. So much for now. Enjoy!
I've fallen Off the Grid
by kozmo 6 Replies latest jw friends
Nice to hear from you again
Some enlightened JWs never have a problem leaving the KH and having to deal with the JWs and elders hounding them to come back. Some people are just lucky that way!
Thank you Moshe! Yes, indeed, I am quite at peace with myself without the thought of having to please other people and NOT having to be concerned that someone is INTERESTED in my everlasting wellbeing, LOL! I have a son who is still active, but, he doesn't approach the subject anymore. I do believe that in his heart he is not totally involved anymore with the org, as it were, however, his wife has a very extensive JW family and he makes a good showing, but, it's all that he knows. I guess I raised him that way, committed no matter what.
Anyways, it's good to be back, and without the guilt.
i never talked to you, so hi and nice to meet you welcome back!
Welcome back, Mr flipper is still active here. I completed my fade a little over a year ago, though haven't moved town but manage to avoid JWs despite wife still being 'in'. She's a born in but not what I would call orthodox.
Kind of ironic to post on the Grid that you've fallen of the Grid, innit?
Wow, the Local Elders really tried to save you by searching for that lost sheep! LOL!! Poor guys, they are just slaves of an organization and don't know it..