Are you a seeker? I know that i was, after l left the wt. I used to get recurring dreams of me flying around obstacles, looking and searching for something, i think it was home, or a place to belong or an ultimate truth. I used to visit certain same familiar sites, repeatedly. I eventually had an experience that brought an end to that, thank dog. Delusion or whatever.
On the other hand, perhaps the idea of needing to look for something was the delusion, a faulse, implanted need. You know how that works: you are contentedly puttering along when a tv commercial grabs your attention, bypasses your critical thinking and convinces you that there is something that you desperately need, something that 5 minutes ago you didn't even know existed. But, now you desire it.
Christianity has a similar mechanism: it implants the idea that the average person is not complete, or ok the way he is. No, he/she is a sinner and NEEDS. Needs, needs, needs. Naturally christianity has the cure for that - jesus. You feel relief that jesus died so you don't have to. BUT, there's a but. Now, you can't be yourself, anymore, cuz jesus BOUGHT you. You need to try to be like jesus. So, you haven't really found yourSELF. You found jesus, instead.
Also, a LOT of movies are endless seeking in the form of chaces, and those being chaced running away. So tiring.
Are you still seeking, or have you found?