Hey guys. Looking for a scripture. Having a brain fog. Can anyone help me remember where this comes from in context?
"allowed the error to proceed"
by problemaddict 7 Replies latest watchtower bible
Are you thinking of 2 Thessalonians 2:11?
Nevermind. Its 2 Thess 2:11. Any thoughts on this verse from the ex-JW perspective?
Londo, sorry man I didn't refresh my screen yet. Yes that was the one I was thinking of. Although in cntext it seems to refer to the "lawless one" IE: Satan, and those that prefer unrighteousness.
So it doesn't quite make the point I think I was originally looking at.
The Man Of Lawlessness is often pointed to as showing the rise of a Hierachy within the Church, and if so, that rightfully applies equally to the Watchtower Hierachy. Hermeneutically, I believe this passage does help explain why so many are beholden to the Watchtower, even when presented with the facts. A person must have “love of the truth”, if they do not, they will continue on blind.
2 Corinthians 3:14-4:4 applies as well. Even though Scripture is read, their hearts are veiled from seeing the good news about the Christ. For instance, though parable such as Prodigal Son are discussed, in practice, these are ignored. The Organization is becoming more and more unmerciful, focused on law and works, rather than Grace and Faith.
I believe this passage does help explain why so many are beholden to the Watchtower, even when presented with the facts. A person must have “love of the truth”, if they do not, they will continue on blind.
That's true, dear Londo (peace to you!), but even after leaving the WTBTS many still don't get the "sacred secret" of this statement, which is borne out in Christ's words:
“If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him," John 14:23
“I am... the truth..."John 14:6
"... you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." John 8:32, 36
THIS, dear one... is the "love" that "cools off" for the GREATER number: the love of truth, by means of the cooling off of their love FOR... the Truth. Christ. Even for some of the Body of Christ: because they LOSE the love they had at FIRST... love of the TRUTH (which is what led most of them TO the WTBTS - it's claims of having/being the "truth")... which, if they adhere to that love, leads them to Christ, THE Truth.
Unfortunately, some (even here) are still not going to "see" this truth (even though I've shared it here). Because TRUTH is not what they LOVE, what they are seeking. They are seeking their own FORM of truth, the form that comports with HOW they want to think... and how they want to be perceived by others. Especially according to certain "traditions."
Light (God, love, truth, through Christ)... has no sharing with Darkness (Death, hate, deceit, through the Adversary).
No one HAS to have a sharing with the Darkness, but any can CHOOSE to do so. For those who don't, may they be given ears to hear and get the sense of the truths I've shared here, as well as to hear the Spirit (Christ) and his Bride, when those say to such ones:
"Come! Take 'life's water'... the holy spirit of God, which "water" is poured out from the innermost parts of His Son and Christ, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, JAHESHUA, the Chosen One of JAH (MischaJah)... who IS the Truth... because he is the image and exact representation of The Highest Truth, the "AMEN"... and MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... FREE!"
A slave of Christ, the Truth by means of whom any can be SANCTIFIED (John 17:17; Hebrews 13:12), so as to become "clean"... AGAIN
@Londo. Yes, that and, "Lord, whom shall we go away to". If I had a dime for every time I heard THAT one as an excuse for staying in the midst of a crapstorm.
Interesting thoughts, AGuest.