JW.org "Guard Against Ambition" Cult Speak Strikes Again

by BlindersOff1 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BlindersOff1
  • jw07

    Keep your head down...

    Listen, Obey, do what we tell you to do...

    Do more...

    Have only as much self worth as we tell you to have...

    Surrender your mind to the collective...

  • wha happened?
  • sabastious
    Suggestion: Imagine a different ending to this
    account. What might have happened if Absalom
    had been modest rather than ambitious?—Proverbs

    The quote above seems to suggest that modesty is opposite to ambition. Very few ideas could be considered more cultish than that. The Bible says there is a time for everything, which would include both modesty and ambition. To make it an either or kind of thing is just emotional manipulation.

    Ambitious: Having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed.

    So, the Watchtower is saying "Guard yourself against desire to succeed." Ambition is actually the enemy of mind control which is why it's being highly demonized as a path of doom. In reality, ambition doesn't always lead to an attempt to usurp a throne as in the case with Absolom. Yet, in the Watchtower ambition DOES always lead to revolution so they have to actively keep it at bay. Being evil is hard work apparently.



  • clarity

    Blinders ... wt spiel ......>


    "and let the accounts come to life!"


    "make it REAL for yourself"


    Every time I read their words on 'make believe' ... I think

    If this were true ... why would we have to try so hard to make

    it real... make it live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol


    make-believe 1 n charade, dream, fantasy, imagination, play-acting, pretence, unreality adj dream, fantasized, fantasy, imaginary, imagined, made-up, mock, pretend, pretended, sham, unreal

    , n actuality, fact, reality, truthfulness
    adj authentic, genuine, real, unfeigned


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Isn't it ambitious to want to be a Bethelite? Pioneers are ambitious to me. The larger question is ambitious for what.

    Pls I remember so many slick brothers sucking up to the WT. They were ambitiious.

    God uses educated people throughout the NT. Moses was purportedly raised as an Egyptian prince. The prophets could read and write. God has a special relationship with every King of Israel. Perhaps Paul's Christianity became dominant b/c he was so highly trained in Jewish rhetoric and other skills.

    During my confirmation classes, we were told to give all our talents from God to God. Investment bankers can help fund charities. Lawyers can help with bureaucracies and advocate for those unable to do so themselves. Medical doctors can save lives. There is never a bad talent. Music and the visual arts have their place.

    Also, in my everyday life, I do not stop and ponder Absalom. Perhaps Bernie Madoff sitting in prison or how the fiscal cliff will affect my life.

  • kurtbethel

    If this premise is accepted, there goes reaching out for responsibility in the congregation. That dries up their supply of elders, MS and other gofers.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Of course this is all just designed to convince JW's to meekly and submissively never question or challenge anything coming from the mouth of their idol, the Watchtower Society. Worker drones are not meant to think and have personal ambition, they are there to just work for the interests of the hive and Queen bee.

  • designs

    'Be all you can be' things you will never hear from a KH platform.

  • punkofnice

    Now we have old Sontaran face Anderson as paedo protector #8.

    What was it that got the paedo lovers on to the GB if it wasn't ambition?

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