I was researching something completely different, and found this article:
The article (written in 2009) says: " On this National Day of Prayer, a survey finds that Jehovah's Witnesses are the most likely Americans to pray daily, Catholics are just below average and 5 percent of atheists claim to pray daily."
"Two groups that are outside the evangelical category due to doctrinal differences pray the most. Eighty-nine percent of Jehovah's Witnesses and 82 percent of Mormons say they pray daily. Among members of historically black Protestant churches, 80 percent said they pray daily."
Later it says: " Jehovah's Witnesses pray more because their faith teaches them to do everything with prayer, said J.R. Brown, director of public information for the Watchtower Society, an organization for Jehovah's Witnesses.
"It isn't just something we resort to when there is some problem in life, but is part of our life," he said.
Anyone think the GB had their hands in this "survey"? This certainly wasn't true of my life as a JW. And it was not really accurate of others I knew either. Prayer was ridgid and reserved for meal times, and possibily before you went to bed. It's probably a case of every JW that the survey examined wishing to give a good witness rather than be 100% honest.