Ohio Pastor Puts Bed and Stripper Pole Next to Pulpit to Talk Sex
Ohio Pastor Puts Bed and Stripper Pole Next to Pulpit to Talk Sex
by Most Noble 8 Replies latest social relationships
The pastor will also encourage married couples in the church to take the "Sexperiment," based on the book, Sexperiment: 7 Days to Lasting Intimacy with Your Spouse, by Texas-based Pastor Ed Young, calling on married couples to have sex for seven straight days to see "amazing results" lasting far beyond the week. Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/ohio-pastor-puts-stripper-pole-next-to-pulpit-to-talk-sex-72432/#qhVEug1Z3Rxlk7oy.99 Very interesting. I think the pastor is trying to advert the sale of this book. This is a pure example of mixing religion and commerce. This is Pastor Mike Scruggs and a scene from his church.
So he is suggesting that husbands use the stripper pole? Sounds like only the man's pleasure is important.
There was a guy on Amercia's Got Talent whose talent was performing on a stripper pole in heels. Boy was he ripped.
i dont get this..the one thing the human speices seems to have a grip on is mainting sexual desire is it. we are obsessed with it. cant even get away from sex in church now, wonderful.
rip van winkle
Maybe the Pastor has a vested interest in a nearby strip club.
The idea of the stripper's pole sounds great to the husband. The wife not too happy about it.
Next thing you know all that stripper pole talk at church titilates the husband. He is curious. His wife is furious. Now she doesn't want to take a poll on the matter.
The husband wants the pole. The wife won't play. The Pastor keeps preaching about the pole. The husband and wife fight.
Husband goes to the nearest stripper club to get what his wife doesn't want to give him at home.
The Pastor Wins.
If he was realistic about it, he would put a sink full of dirty dishes next to the pulpit and have a guy wash them. That would rock some women's world more than a stripper pole.
rip, only prob with this scenario is that divorced couples dont support churches. roughly eighty percent of a churches money comes from families with children. i feel the real motivation behind this is just that, make more babies.
"...i feel the real motivation behind this is just that, make more babies..." Cagefighter The more the babies born into the church, the more the members which translate into more donation for the church in the long run. Afterall, most want to have a family God's blessing. A supportive pastor in this instance, is a perfect blessing. That is the way I see it.