2012 report analysis - percentage Witnesses to world population

by cedars 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • cedars

    Hi everyone

    Yet another graph I'm afraid!

    This one you should find interesting. It shows the average number of Witnesses as a percentage of the global population IS increasing, although at nowhere near the rate it was in the 90s. In fact, if anything it seems to be levelling off.

    Witnesses to world population

    The population statistics used to compile this graph can be found at this link:


    Here is the data in tabulated form:

    population stats

    Hope you find this info useful.


  • alanv

    Thanks Cedars. Percentages only go up very slowly when dealing with very big numbers. The JWs are very, very tiny compared to the world population so you would expect a bigger rise. Bit like reading in Yearbook that a small country has had 20% rise. Sounds good until you realize that actually there were only 100 witnesses there in the first place, so total now is 120. No big deal.

  • Gayle

    Seems to ratio, by country, depends. Like in U.S. for 2011, the ratio (according to JW 2013 Yearbook), was 1/261. But 2012 was 1/262. So, in U.S., JWs not keeping up. Britain, Australia similar. I haven't checked other 1st world countries but I expect similar. But 3rd world countries probably show the increased parts to pull up that "global" rate.

  • Healthworker

    Going the right way, it seems :)

  • Splash

    Thanks Cedars, the number crunching is appreciated.

    I recall you have a formula to estimate the number of leavers each year based on the number baptised vs actual increase.

    If you look at this figure for 2012, you might see something that hasn't happened since the '75 debacle .


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    There will be a saturation point in the future, when the dubs stop with rapid growth in the future in 3rd world countries. Once that goes flat, u will see decling numbers overall as the hyper growth in the 2rd world will not balance losses in the Western countries.

  • truthlover


    Is there a way I can copy the graphs? I have highlited them and tried to copy but it wont work.. is there a secret ? and by the way, lots of work for you but much appreciated..



  • cedars

    Thanks truthlover! If you right click on the graph and select "copy image," you should be able to paste it onto another program.

    Splash - thanks for the "heads up!" I seem to remember getting lambasted for my "formula" a year ago, but I will by all means check it out!


  • Balaamsass

    Thanks for the number crunching Cedars!

    20 years ago I would pour over the publisher to Population ratios to see where to serve......."where the need was great".

    Times have changed...and I am glad.

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