by new boy 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • new boy
    new boy

    I’ve only been on this board for less then a month.

    How sad for me to see that for many people who are disfollewshipped still think in fear and quilt. They think they did something wrong. They think God is going to kill them, and the only hope is back in the BORG! ---------Back to hell.

    That’s probably what really happen to that poor bastard in McMinnville Or. Most people really don’t want to die--------
    They just can’t LIVE. -------People who kill themselves just can’t live in the world they created, they are in “HELL.”

    Many people on this web site are in hell too, they can’t go into the real world, and they can’t go back to the BORG.

    My suggestion is since your out right now.
    Take some time
    Maybe as much time as you took studying to get into the BORG.
    The same amount of time, to see what it is you really bought into.
    Why you were attracted to an organization that was hoping for the end of the world, what does that really say about YOU! --------------And is that really who God is?


    After you find out what the real world is, and not the world, they sold you. Go and live in it, in peace.

    P.S. If you really want to talk to God try “Conversations with God” by Neale Walsh.

  • Sargon

    While we're at it, pass me the beer and pretzels. Pass me the remote,pass the foot stool. AAAh, I like this real world, looks like i'm in it for the long haul.

  • Patriot

    "I’ve only been on this board for less then a month. "...

    Yes, we can tell.

    "..Many people on this web site are in hell too, they can’t go into the real world, and they can’t go back to the BORG."...

    Is that your expert opinion with less than a month's worth of reading?

    "....Why you were attracted to an organization that was hoping for the end of the world,....."

    Hey stupid, did it ever occur to you that a good lot of us were born into this cult? Did we have a choice, know any better?

    ...."-AND GET PASS THIS WEBSITE!....."

    Why are you still here? If your conclusions are the above stated after 1 month, then I would imagine that this will be you last post.

    Always amazes me the amount of "psycotherapists" that exist out there in the ......"what the real world is, and not the world, they sold you."

    New boy,....thanks for your expertise in a field you know nothing about.


  • Ranchette

    I was raised as a JW too and like you didn't have a choice and have quite abit of anger as a result but I try to direct it where it's deserved.

    I believe newboy wrote this post because he truly cares about the people here.
    It is true that it is a mistake to lump us all into the same catagory but then again he did say "many people on this website" not everyone here.

    Please try to understand what he is saying here and the spirit it was said in .


  • new boy
    new boy

    Patriot thanks for the comments

    "Get pass this website" means {and I know many were going to take wrong} that when you get healthy, you can leave---its O.K.

    I 'am healthy and will leave whens its time, In the mean time I'm here to help who ever I can. I didn't mean to attack the drug of your choice.

    If my posts offend you, don't read them. You sound every hurt,I wish you the very best.

  • Patriot

    "....I didn't mean to attack the drug of your choice...."

    Wrong again

    "...If my posts offend you, don't read them..."

    Now that has got to be the stupidest thing that I have ever read (no offense intended) but how can you possibly post a topic and others know that its a post that they don't agree with if they don't read it????

    "....You sound every hurt,..."

    I'm not guy. 3 strikes for you boy. I'd wish you'd stop trying to analyze everyone. I've been through alot in my young. But believe me I am not hurt by anything the WT has "instilled" in me.

    On the contrary, I appreciate the fact that I was able to learn how through flip through the Bible with ease, give public talks and even give a little 6 minute at a district convention.

    I learned more about the tower and got out...no major time lost for me, Im only 30. Got a good career and beautiful family and thats all I need.

    I come here because it's nice to know others who have the same background...'tis all.

    I hear you Ranchette.


  • LDH

    New Boy,

    For whatever reason in the world of Discussion Boards, the collective group expects newbies to 'bide their time' until the group knows the person and their intent.

    On this board we've been burned by MANY trolls, and most of us use caution. Of course the fact that we were burned by a religion representing God also factors in!

    I think I speak for the board when I say we love your stories of Bethel--at the very least they are cracking me up. Also, they made me remember one of my own which I will post later this am.

    Anyhow, just take your beatings quietly and say, "Sir may I have some more porridge?" until we figure ya out.

    Happened to me too Class

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