Jehovah's Witnesses find hell unappealing. So, they simply DON'T believe in it.
Yet, most christians probably DO believe in hell.
No, it is pointless to say that one group "follows the bible" and the other group doesn't.
Theology is indebted to the influence of "explainers" and "interpreters" who stamp certain things authoratatively.
It must be more than that.
JW's are faced with a giant laundry list of things they MUST NOT do and it makes life difficult for them. They don't even get to go to heaven as a reward. They will have to scrape out a "paradise" situation with what's left after Armageddon.
Are JW's simply cowed? Are they under-achievers? Do they simply settle for what they are offered?
Why believe in unappealing things?
Islam offers 72 young virgins to Muslims who die a martyrs death. Now that seems to appeal to a lot of horny suicides.
My point? There is a strong incentive.
But, JW's?
I think it must be the low education level, the unsophistication, the easily manipulated psychological makeup making them vulnerable.
Am I missing something obvious?
What was my excuse to join?
I didn't intend to, I can say that for certain!
I just started going where my JW friend went (Kingdom Hall) and ended up being absorbed into a "caring" social situation.
Days, weeks, months and years passed.
Was I a member? No. Not yet.
There was pressure place on me to be baptised.
By then, my life was really more JW-socially related than intellectually chosen or ideologically driven.
Belief? Faith? I would be lying if I say those were motivations for me.
An Assembly came along.......and.....I did it. Just like that.
Is it like that for everybody or only nutcases like myself?