Moses- A Midianite wife he's son nearly killed and how he started the jewish Pagan Yahweh Cult!
by Witness 007 7 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Witness 007
Ever wonder WHY Moses son was almost executed by an angel for not being circumsized. In Exodus his wife says some mumbo jumbo cuts his forskin and saves his life on the way to Egypt. (forgot verse look it up) Most scholars including bethel have no idea what these verses were all about. Why did Moses risk his sons life and who is this mystery wife who Aaron the priest of Jah hated so much. Midianites worshiped Yahweh more exclusively and Moses took yahweh and made him the national God...instead of the horrid calf Jehoavhs priest AARON had made when Moses was gone AFEW days...after witnessing Yahwehs power does this sound fishy to you.
Witness 007
The elites like he Pharoah were the ones who were circumsized. CIrcumsision was thus a "symbol" of specialness. FOr whatever reason the jews adopted this custom, thinking that somehow they would be great like the Pharoahs simply by having circumcision. Lets not forget that Moses and others surrounding him were Egyptian. Moses is a contraction of Thutmoses etc.
LOL, it's Exodus 4:24- 26. It is a very strange story... Moses' wife Zippo'rah was a Midianite.
But, lol I think you are wrong about the golden calf- that was YHWH. A lot of the gods at that time were represented by calves, including the Jewish god.
Witness 007
Moses first "meets" Yahweh at a burning bush at Midian. He must have been influenced by his wifes tribe and religion. Why did Yahweh want to kill his son regarding circumcision???
I don't know... what's the answer?
Its a way of scaring the jews and showing them that Jehovah is pro circumcision. How else does one explain such a stupid custom, other than invent a ridiculous story and introduce violence to scare everyone.
Oh, O.K. And there was me thinking that Jehovah was a homicidal maniac who just wanted to kill everybody- but now I see he had a plan…