I thought the world was ending on the 21st of December last year!
where are these guys?
Well i know, just like JW's, they'll come up with a convincing spin around the issue.
Anyways, happy new year everybody, good to be here again.
by tenene 4 Replies latest jw friends
I thought the world was ending on the 21st of December last year!
where are these guys?
Well i know, just like JW's, they'll come up with a convincing spin around the issue.
Anyways, happy new year everybody, good to be here again.
Welcome back.
They joined a commune in Malibu...
The Maya people constitute a diverse range of the Native American people of southern Mexico and northern Central America. The overarching term "Maya" is a collective designation to include the peoples of the region who share some degree of cultural and linguistic heritage; however, the term embraces many distinct populations, societies, and ethnic groups, who each have their own particular traditions, cultures, and historical identity.
There are an estimated 7 million Maya living in this area at the start of the 21st century. [ 1 ] Maya of Guatemala, southern Mexico and the Yucatán Peninsula , Belize, El Salvador, and western Honduras have managed to maintain substantial remnants of their ancient cultural heritage. Some are quite integrated into the majority hispanicizedMestizo cultures of the nations in which they reside, while others continue a more traditional culturally distinct life, often speaking one of the Maya languages as a primary language.
The largest populations of contemporary Maya inhabit Guatemala, Belize, and the western portions of Honduras and El Salvador, as well as large segments of population within the Mexican states of Yucatán , Campeche, Quintana Roo, Tabasco, and Chiapas.
The Mayans of today do not interpret the calendar the way that others outside their group have.
Yes, some Mayans may have interpreted those numbers as dates, not entirely unthinkable. Recall Charles Taze Russell and Watchtower pyramidology. They only dropped their teaching circa 1927.
Then, some Mayans may have interpreted those numbers as stock prices -- as follows: