2013 Conference: Cases That Keep Us Awake at Night: Challenges in Pediatric Bioethics
July 19 and 20, 2013, Bell Harbor International Conference Center, Seattle
Registration opens in mid-January
Clinical ethics seeks to address the ethical issues that arise in the care of individual patients. Clinicians and families may seek advice from the clinical ethics consultant or ethics committee when cases present difficult issues or significant conflicts over values. These situations must be resolved, but may leave those involved feeling unsettled and uncertain about whether the best resolution was achieved. The focus of this conference will be those cases that keep clinical ethics consultants and ethics committee members awake at night and test their moral values:
- Should a teenager be allowed to refuse a lifesaving blood transfusion on religious grounds?
- Should an organ transplant be performed over a family’s objections?
- Should Child Protective Services intervene when a family fails to address the eating habits of a morbidly obese child?
Renowned leaders in the field of pediatric bioethics will come together to discuss these issues July 19 and 20, 2013, in Seattle. Come join us and add your voice and perspective as we grapple with these ethical questions through presentations and panel discussions.
You can look forward to a stimulating program set in one of the country’s most vibrant and beautiful cities. We hope you can attend.