New Zealand International Convention?

by Gayle 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gayle

    Will this be their "only" district convention? there? Says they're expecting 10,200, but plus 4 and "other" venue hookups.

    Anyone here going? They've closed their Branch, but does this create a distracting "hoop-la?"

    They are boasting "largest ever," but their own records show JWs decreasing in New Zealand. How many will be foreign delegates?

    2012 Report showed, 13,742 Av. Pubs. - a decrease from 2011.

    Seems to be a methodology of the WTS to close a Branch and have a big "hoopla" international convention to distract, and boast of the big time blessing from Jehovah,,even though facts prove otherwise.

    Makes me wonder where the next internationals will be,,and how it relates to possible closing of Branches in other countries?

  • DesirousOfChange

    It's good advertizing strategy.

    No matter what happens, you just wrap a "NEW & IMPROVED" banner on the box and run with it.

    You say enough and people believe it!


    Gayle, you have a PM.

  • karter

    People being flowen in from all over my Mum and her freinds are hosting a few.

    Seems they have moved to bigger assemblys again.


  • WTWizard

    If I am going to Auckland, I am not wasting 3 days at the Grand Boasting Session. There is simply too much to do around there, including beaches not too far away. There is also plenty around the city--including the Sky Tower. From there, you get to actually see the city and the oceans on both sides. And plenty of shops and scenic views around.

    And why stop there? Rather than waste time on joke-hova, I would rather explore the country. Such as Tauranga's Bay of Plenty. You can find plenty of things growing around there, including kiwi fruit. Rotorua is full of fun--there, you get to experience Maori culture along with nature trails and luge courses. Then, you could continue to Wellington and see what walking up and down big hills in windy conditions can do to your physical condition.

    And, keep going. You get into the South Island, you get into nature. Queenstown is great for skiing, and you get to hike backcountry. There are a few cities there, as well, so you are not totally isolated. You like wetlands, you can explore Fjordland and expect to see rain most of the time. The east portion of the island is dryer. There simply is too much to do through the country of New Zealand to waste it at a boasting session--and the more so if you happen to like sheep and farms. Or the ocean. Or sky jumping. Or Maori culture. Or small businesses that aren't afraid to let people see what goes on within the premises. Or good food that isn't genetically engineered. Or simply hiking up and down hills, whether in the city or backcountry. Just don't waste any of the precious time going to boasting sessions or in field circus.

  • karter

    WTWizard, you should come and work for our tourism board.


  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    I would think that there are many from US attending.

    If there are JWs from the US attending-an individual can plan on it costing a whopping $8,500.00 and more per person for hotel, flight and other travel expenses. Is a JW/WT international convention worth that much of my hard-earned money? ……….Nope!

    Why would an organization that encourages its members to live a simple life burden anyone with such a high price to attend a Bible convention???

    And this is just one of many special international conventions being held worldwide.

  • Satanus

    Sounds like a pr project that they will be able to brag about, no bother about the individual burdens placed on those flying in to be part of the props for it.


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