I know in my experience I came in with the illusion of serving the brothers, handling their needs kindly and lovingly, and trying to sincerely help others. My dad was screwed by a kangaroo court of fellow elders when he and a friend stood up for what they believed was right and wouldn't participate in a cover-up. I should have know better, but I was blinded by the ideals of "avenging" him by doing the right thing. I was going to be the one who would try to un-do such injustice.
The reality was that I joined the modern day Pharasees - I became a rule enforcer, judge and jury, and served with many, many men who had no business being in charge of anyone, let alone someone's spiritual needs. It was like serving the cruelest master - you could never do enough, and when you needed the support of the society, they weren't there for you. Even if you were kind and loving to the friends, you couldn't save them from unfair judicial committees, self-righteous elders who enforced their opinion on others, and you could not be vocal about unfair practices and doctrines without being branded a rebel rouser or "apostate"....
I had such miserable experiences in dealing with the branch, it left me discouraged, then disillusioned, then disgusted.
Coming on here, I realize there are SO SO many people who had the same experiences and impressions. The organization is about money and power, and keeping people under control. Total conformity or else.