Since I kinda find myself coming to this board frequently as of late. I thought I share my perspective on Life, Universe, and Everything. Kinda to let you all know where I'm coming from.
Life, Universe, and Everything
From my point of view:
We humans. The universe, it revolves around us, eh?
Bibles says God is all knowing, all powerfull. Need some scriptures? Nah...didn't think so.
Perhaps...just perhaps...God HAD NOT put that tree in there to "test" his piece of software...errr, sorry...humans. When we look at this "fable", we seem to be forgetting a "key" element. A entity perhaps is more accurate. Can we say SATAN! (best church lady voice)
I have a wild guess (since, so far there's no solid proof) that we humans ARE NOT the only...nor are we the first...creation of God. And, no, I'm not talking about "angels". I think there are other intelligent species, albeit they be human or not, out there in that infinite universe. Come on, I mean we all pretty much seen the Hubble photos right? 10's of 1000's (for all we know an infinity of them)of galaxies just swirling around. Each galaxy hosting a number of stars, that we can't even count them. Stars with solar systems revolving around them. And not one of them has intelligent life in them? Come on! What a waste of "space".(Pun inteneded)
I think God knew, he knew that his position as creator of this universe was going to be questioned. And, according to the Bible, it was. Good ol' Lucifer. Yep... he said "Jeez folks...who the heck is this God guy anyway...I say we should have a Democracey! (Or Federal Republic if you wish-Anarchy anyone?)".
So here we are. The one planet in this universe, that happens to be the dispute of this universal sovriegnty. We are the center of the conflict. Or perhaps not. Who knowz really what's going on out there. But God decides to set up the "tree", let humans fail. Gives Satan some control over this world. After all, he could want to be fair. We're the court room. This is where the sides are debating.The argument is being presented here on good ol' planet earth.
Satan has control of the earth for a while. God's letting the rest of the inhabitants of this expansive universe witness (jeeez, even that word is now ruined for me now...anywayz...) how Satan is running things in to the ground. That perhaps, God, is trying to show in fairness that since he created all of this stuff...that God best knows how to work it.
But see, there's a catch-22 to God's plan. Sure, there's going to be suffering and turmoil on earth. There's going to be pain. There's going to be "death". This catch-22 is not against humans...but against Satan. See, after the pain, suffering, and death...our bodies would die...but our spirit and soul....our very existence...that little thing inside of us that makes us aware of who we are...could not be istinguished. That we humans, who say "Wow God knows what he doing! Hail to the King Baby"! recieve that "everlasting life". Those who see it Satan's way, and believe that the Creator doesn't have the right...they just *poof* out of existence at the end of this court battle and final judgement.
I believe that Christ kept his message simple. I believe it's so simple as to "accepting Christ as the Son of God and thru him we have everlasting life". The old testament? Ha! Just foundation work. After Christ, it's a whole different story. And the rules and regulations that have been interpreted by humans with all the other fluff beyond Christ's message is trivial. I think the key point of the message is "hope and faith". To just hang on to that. Endure what's going on, and keep "faith and hope".
I believe that God knew humans would twist, distort, and mangle the simplicity of this message. Hence, Christ kept it THAT simple. The rest of the stuff we've all heard from various religions....all trivial. We can argue scriptures till our faces are blue. We can cite all of them, and each of us is going to walk away with our point of view on what we "think" God was saying in the scriptures. So why argue?
I believe that the message is simple. In tandem with "love God with all your heart,mind, body and soul. Love your neighbor as yourself"....Christ said that should about cover it. Not for us to swabble with each other on the rest of the stuff. The Old Testament and books of Prophecy is simply a record for the future. A record to be recalled when everything is said and done.
That's my point of view. I know some of you are going to want to reply with: "But, but, MYFAVORITEBOOK verse 13-21 says..."
If it does say *the point I want to make to you D8TA*...then that point was not ment for me...but for you and you alone. If there are scriptures that "you the reader" find that the others in this world should adhere to...then perhaps those scriptures are only meant to adhere to you. And you have the right to that SELF application.
For you who dont believe in anything the Bible holds...or have a different point of view on this whole Life, Universe, and doesn't change a thing in my book with you. You have your insights and experiences that I can't even touch. For all I could be right.
That's my perspective on things.
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