A Catholic priest, a Protestant minister and a JW Governing Body member start talking while waiting for an airline flight. After awhile, the topic changes to how each determined which part of the donations went to their expenses and which part went to God.
"Well," says the priest, in a loud Irish brogue, "I draw a line on the table, throw the money up into the air, and what lands on the left side goes to our living expenses and what lands on the right is the Lord's."
"Hmmm," says the minister, "I do it a bit different. You see, I draw a circle on the table like this, toss the money into the air and that which lands on the inside of the circle is mine and what lands outside is the Lord's!"
Looking pleased with themselves, they nod towards the JW Governing Body member. "So how about you, Don," says the Protestant minister. "How do you do it?
"Weeeeell," says Don, "it really depends on how many members we have in the Body. Sometimes we have as few as, say, eight. Other times we have as many as 18."
"How terribly interesting," the priest said, winking to the minister. "So what part of it do ye give to the...er...Body and what part goes to the Lord?"
"Y'see, it's like this," Don replied. stammering a bit. "What we do is, we...." The men leaned towards him, watching his every move.
"Aw, hell, it's like this. We put all the money onto a table roughly this size..." The other two, smiling a bit at his discomfort, nodded and said, "Yes?"
"Well, whatever Jah catches he can keep!"