Could the Society buy it's way out of exposure?

by TweetieBird 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • TweetieBird

    Reading another thread about pedophiles and Dateline, the thought occured to me that maybe the society would buy some advertising from NBC with the stipulation that nothing negative be aired about them. Is that possible?

    I've always been from the school that money can buy ANYTHING!

  • rekless

    anything is possible.

    God have mercy on any news agentcy that is found out to do that.

    Hell is truth seen too late. H.G.Adams

  • MrMoe

    It IS possible, but I thought the WT was against advertising? They would rather have thier meek little slaves do the work for them?


    UADNA - FL
    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Florida Division

  • TweetieBird

    Mr. Moe,
    I had always thought they were against advertising too, but several months ago someone posted that they had actually seen a commercial by the witnesses and called Brooklyn about it. They were told that in some areas, they were trying it out (or something to that effect). I will try to find the thread.

  • TweetieBird
  • metatron

    That kind of overture is pretty doubtful. Anyway, I doubt the
    Society in its present financial condition could afford
    network ad rates. I'd bet that much of what you see as Witness
    commercials are low rate/ low ratings spots on local affliates.
    Television is expensive.

    If the dateline show never airs, it will more likely be due
    to legal threats and a news judgement that it isn't 'hot' enough.

    I'm not discouraged because there's enough stacked against
    them now - that dateline would only be an accelerant.


  • Athanasius

    Dear Tweetie,

    You have raised an interesting question. Does the Watch Tower have more political clout than the Roman Catholic Church? In view of their size the problem of child abuse may be more rampant among the Witnesses than the Catholics. Yet the media quickly focuses in on the Catholic Church while ignoring the Witnesses. Perhaps if this was brought to the attention of the media moguls they would be more balanced in their presentation.



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