30 Hour Aux. Pioneering ... 2 or 3 times per year

by RubaDub 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • RubaDub

    Am I understanding this correctly? You can do the 30 hour package either 2 or 3 times per year, depending on when the Circuit Overseer visits. Here is the way I get the new rules:

    1). You can do 30 in the Memorial Month (March or April)

    2). You can do 30 in the months the CO visits (typically twice per year)

    3). If the CO visit overlaps two months, you can choose either month do to 30.

    4). If the CO visit overlaps March and April, you could do both months by using the Memorial Month and taking the CO visit option for the other.

    5). In most years you could do 30 three times. However, if the entire visit by the CO came in the same month as the Memorial, then you could only do 30 two times that year.

    Does this simplify the new procedure ???

    Rub a Dub

  • WatchtowerFree

    Operates just like a corporation

  • sir82

    Should we start a pool on when it drops to 30 all the time?

    Or how about a pool for when the regular pioneering requirement drops to 60?

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    I say it moves to 30 for good Sept 2014

  • traveb

    The way I read it is theoretically you could do the 30-hour thing a maximum of 6 times of year. According to the letter, the 30-hour rule applies...

    During March AND April every year

    When your congregation receives its regular CO visit

    So if by chance both of your CO visits don't fall on March or April AND each visit happens to be spread out over two calendar months, then you could do 30 hours 6 times! Conversely, the minimum times it could happen would be 3. So, every year a publisher could aux. pioneer for 30 hours between 3 and 6 times depending on their congregation's CO schedule.

    Seems like a headache to keep track of!

    Imagine this scenario:

    Service Overseer: Brother, I see you only got 30 hours when you auxillary pioneered in February. What happened?

    Publisher: Don't you remember? This year was a leap year so there was an extra day in February. The last day of February was the first day of the CO visit. I thought we could put in only 30 hours if the CO was visiting.

    Service Overseer: Oh right. (Shakes head and starts talking to himself.)

  • geevee

    What a waste of time!

  • wannaexit

    All those years that watchtower made the rank and file slaved for 60 hours a month and now 30 hours is enough. I hate what this organization does to people.

  • AuntConnie

    Pioneering aint what it use to be, the 90 hour requirement kept the gene pool clean. Sure they are going to get more Pioneers but in my humble opinion they are diluting the the spiritual water by allowing any Anna, Betty, Dina or Susan to join the ranks of the most elite group of the Kingdom Hall. I feel betrayed by the Organization allowing anybody who can breath, to sign up and pioneer. Put yourself in my shoes, you train for years to run a Marathon and at the last minute the organizers of the group decide to reduce the race to a 5k and allow motor wheel chairs too! We enjoy hearing our names read during the Service Meetings "Aunt Connie is a regular pioneer for year of 2012(I love hearing that across the Kingdom Hall sound system, it's a real rush and high.) not the reduced month of March with 30 hours!

  • NeonMadman

    And the big reward is that you get to sit through another meeting.

  • WTWizard

    The big reward is that you get to be hounded to pious-sneer all the time. First, they lower the requirement and then state that, with the new lower requirement, everyone should do it. Anyone not pious-sneering during these periods is inviting Brother Hounder to hound them. Brother Hounder will not leave you alone until you commit, and you better fulfill it with no excuses or else.

    Once you are in at the ground level, they up the ante even worse. "You are doing the 30. If you truly love Jehovah, you would do the 50 instead." Never mind that many people are barely in a position to do 30, and it requires a lot of sacrifice. I can remember when I was first going into the cancer--the second month in, I got 32 honest hours during that month. It meant not doing a lot of things for myself, and I could not see myself stuck doing that every month. Yet, they insist that you should do that all the time. Then, once they get 30, they want 50. Then, through a great deal of hounding, they push you to regular pious-sneer at 840/year. The guilt that it used to be 60 for everyone and 150 for pious-sneers is imposed--if they could do 150, why can't you do 70?

    From there, "Why stop at the minimum? It's for joke-hova! We love joke-hova so much that we are willing to give up ANYTHING for that thing! You should be putting in the 90 or 100 hours a month!" Then, they up it to 200 hours a month. Where do they stop? All from those little steps. Rather, they should just let each publisher decide (without hounding--if they get hounded, they don't do anything at all) how much is enough. How much do they do before the actual marginal cost of doing the next unit exceeds the marginal benefit? That is the optimum level, and can fluctuate from one month to the next. And the hounders can drive that optimal level down by hounding the people to do more. Of course, if the optimum level is at or below zero, then zero it shall be.

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