I'm meeting with my wife's minister.

by Defianttruth 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Defianttruth

    My wife belongs to a small nondenominational church here in town. She really wants me to go. I have my reservations. I am creating a list of questions to ask him.

    What happens when he and I have theological differences?

    What conflict of interest resolutions will he accept?

    Membership requirements.

    What path must I exercise to reach God?

    Can you think of anymore questions than that.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    What happens when he and I have theological differences?

    Good question.

    Do members agree to disagree on doctrines or does everyone have to believe the same to belong.

  • Londo111

    Unless this is a fundamentalist or charismatic church, I think you might be surprised. J

  • OnTheWayOut

    Most nondenominational churches are pretty liberal in what they expect of members: Come when you want, believe what you want.

  • NeverKnew

    I LOVE this and I'm proud of you for being brave enough to expose yourself to something new. Trinitarian here... born-in.

    I grew up being told they all have different parts right and wrong. Yes, both. Confused yet? Don't be. If you believe a little differently? It's okay... Nobody goes to argue doctrinal differences, they go to hear a gospel. If you don't agree with the gospel you hear, you can find a different one if you'd like from a different denomination... or not.

    What happens when he and I have theological differences?

    Nothing. You just have theological differences. He or she may welcome your questions/thoughts. We can all learn from someone. If it's a doctrine that rubs sandpaper across your eardrums, you can choose to continue going for the parts you do agree with or you can choose not to go. People will still say hi to you when you go to the grocery store and include you in invitations to gather with them. If you don't show up, they'll either figure you're not into their church (which is fine) or that you were a visitor (which is fine). Your relationship with God is about you and He. Not you, He and every Tom, Dick and Harry sitting next to you. :)

    What conflict of interest resolutions will he accept?

    I'm not sure I understand this. Are you asking if he'll change his methodologies based on your assertions? If so, uh.. probably not. Most people just switch denominations to ones that fit their models. No questions asked.

    Membership requirements.

    You are adorable. Uh... how about, "come in peace as often as you like." How about that one?

    What path must I exercise to reach God?

    Depends on her church on this one. I can assure you, the path will be nominal compared to where you've been.

    I would sincerely LOVE to hear your thoughts when you come home.

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi Defianttruth, Ask him anything that you want to ask.

    Remember the only stupid question is the one not asked. If he personally attacks you, instead of giving you additional information to think about, or tries to pressure you to believe exactly the way he does, than say thank you and good-bye. You tried your best.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • extractor

    If it's like most churches, they won't push you into anything. You can just relax.

    - What happens when he and I have theological differences?

    He will most likely be happy to discuss them with you and hear your thoughts. I bounce things back and forth with my pastor. They will let you take it in and learn at your own pace.

    - Membership requirements.

    I've been going to MANY different churches for over 25 years and have NEVER been asked to join any in membership.

    - What path must I exercise to reach God?

    Best question of all. You'll hear a lot about Jesus being that path.

    I think you'll be pleasantly surprised when you go. Yes, there will probably be a cross up front, but no, nobody will be worshipping it! LOL

  • Lore
    What happens when he and I have theological differences?

    If it's a non-denominational church it's a bit unlikely he'll debate much theology with you.

  • jgnat

    You can just attend, no obligation to join. That should be a refreshing change.

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