Wow... the irony is amazing. So here we have a cartoon about how to deal with bullying, which in itself is a positive message. What's incredible is that it's brought to you by a religious organization that dominates your life, and requires absolute, loyal submission from its members.
If you should dare stand up and question its unique, ever-changing, brand of contradicting "Christian" doctrine, then you will be labeled as "weak", "worldly", "bad association", and possibly an "apostate". You will be the subject of congregational gossip and slander. You will be told that unless you repent Jesus will kill you along with the evil criminals, fornicators, adulterers, drunkards, and the other billions of non-Witnesses (men, women, and children) when he soon returns at Armageddon. Birds and other wild animals will devour our rotting flesh in paradise -all because you dared to stand up and question your own beliefs.
Finally, should you decide to follow your conscience and aspire to adhere to the actual teachings of Christ instead of the ramblings of men; and should you decide to follow the teachings of the Bible instead of the organization's literature, then all your lifelong friends and your family members will be required to shun you lest they be mercilessly judged and treated the same way by the same people.
Now correct me if I'm wrong... but does that not fit the definition of a "Bully"?