In the “Shepherd the Flock” Book it is stated (Page 72 – German edition) that if there is no second witness and the accused is denying, the elders should leave the case in Jehovah’s Hands.
Now, think about that in a case of child abuse. What does it really mean to leave the matter in Jehovah’s Hands? For me, as I don’t believe in Jehovah or any other God, it is just delivering the victim to the unforeseeable twists of chance and circumstances. But even if there is a god the situation will be same, as God is the most unpredictable character you can imagine. Nobody knows what he is doing, or if he is doing anything at all.
Leaving such a serious matter like child abuse in Jehovah’s hands is a euphemism for leaving the victim alone. It’s the shepherds saying: “Oh, this little sheep is alone outside in the dark. Let’s wait if God permits a wolf to take it.”
It is a gambling game, like roulette, where the players are just watching where the ivory ball finally ends up.
The elders are gambling with chance and the bet is the physical and emotional welfare of the most vulnerable people.